How to Hold Your Composure in This Tough Economy

How to Hold Your Composure in This Tough Economy – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Hold Your Composure in This Tough Economy. This topic was created by John Tury and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Keep Your Sanity After Losing Your Job

Published:  | Submitted by Lisa Golden | permalink
How to Keep Your Sanity After Losing Your Job

Losing your job can certainly make you nuts, especially when you are the bread winner in the family; when a lot of people you love depend on you.With the i

Tip 2 - The Wake-Up Call: Europe Toughens Stance against Putin - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Published:  | Submitted by Daniel Bell | permalink
The Wake-Up Call: Europe Toughens Stance against Putin - SPIEGEL ONLINE

It took the shooting down of a Boeing jet carrying almost 300 people before the EU�agreed on�the first true economic sanctions against Russia. The Americans want further action, but it is impossible to�know if punitive measures can sway Vladimir Putin.

Tip 3 - Avoiding Power Struggles with Students

Published:  | Submitted by DANNY SCHAAF | permalink
Avoiding Power Struggles with Students

Disruptive and confrontational students are sometimes an unavoidable challenge. If handled poorly, these confrontations can lead to power struggles and more disruptions. We asked educators for their advice on defusing these tense situations.

For further reading: [3]

Tip 4 - June 25: Your daily horoscope

Published:  | Submitted by rochune scroggins | permalink
June 25: Your daily horoscope

Your daily horoscope
Tags: canadian news, national newspaper, daily news, breaking news, political news, world news, canadian business news, canadian newspapers online, international news, report on business, national news, canadian sports, travel information, globe and mail, globe & mail

Tip 5 - 7 Ways Leaders Maintain Their Composure in Difficult Times

Published:  | Submitted by Danny Cherry | permalink
7 Ways Leaders Maintain Their Composure in Difficult Times

Leaders need to show more composure than ever before in the workplace. With the change management requirements, increased marketplace demands and intensifying competitive factors that surround us, leaders must have greater poise, agility and patience to minimize the impact of uncertainty. How leaders respond to these and other growing pressures is an indicator of their leadership preparedness, maturity and acumen. The composure of a leader is reflected in their attitude, body language and overall presence. In today’s evolving business environment, it is clear that leadership is not only about elevating the performance, aptitude and development of people – but more so about the ability to make people feel safe and secure. Employees have grown tired of working in survival mode and thus want to be part of a workplace culture where they can get back to doing their best work without the fear of losing their jobs.
Tags: Careers,CEO Network,Entrepreneurs,ForbesWoman,Leaders,Leadership,Management,accountability,act decisively,Adversity,business growth,Career advancement,Communication,composure,diversity,Entrepreneurship,Immigrant Perspective,leadership composure,leadership style,manage emotions,Managing People,Opportunity,personal branding,positive mental attitude,productivity,remain fearless,team building,trust,Workplace Innovation

Tip 6 - How To Keep Your Cool In Heated Situations

Published:  | Submitted by neocydfr | permalink
How To Keep Your Cool In Heated Situations

Sometimes it's tough to diffuse an angry boss or contentious colleague without stepping into the emotional muck ourselves. Here are some simple...
Tags: geoffrey tumlin,lululemon founder chip,us federal reserve,chips restaurant

Tip 7 - 5 Thoughts on Keeping Your Composure

Published:  | Submitted by John Hettish | permalink
5 Thoughts on Keeping Your Composure

1) Don't ever take anything personally: It's tough. Someone says something so against your beliefs to the point where you want to tell them no, and that they're so wrong. Or you may be passive aggr...
Tags: how to keep your composure,how to keep cool,how to stay level headed,5 thoughts on keeping your composure,5 ways to keep cool,keeping a cool head,how to not lose control,how to stay cool and focused,,self-awareness

Tip 8 - How to Keep Composure

Published:  | Submitted by Joseph Lirosi | permalink
How to Keep Composure

When faced with a stressful situation, it can be difficult to keep your composure and remain calm. The next time you feel like breaking down or lashing out, take a few moments to detach from the situation and distract yourself with...
Tags: WikiHow, Keep Composure, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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