How to Identify a Toyger

How to Identify a Toyger – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Identify a Toyger. This topic was created by Lena Csar and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Toyger Cat Breed Information

Published:  | Submitted by Keith Douglas | permalink
Toyger Cat Breed Information

Everything you want to know about Toyger cats, including grooming, health problems, history, adoption, finding good breeders, and more.
Tags: Toyger Cat Breed,Toyger Cat Breed Information,Toyger Grooming,Toyger Health,Toyger Temperament and Personality,Toyger Adoption,Toyger Breeding

Tip 2 - Cat Breed Profile: Toyger - Petful

Published:  | Submitted by Peter Bides | permalink
Cat Breed Profile: Toyger - Petful

Toyger cats look exotic but have the sweet disposition of a domestic cat. Learn more about these miniature tigers in our Toyger breed profile.

Tip 3 - Toyger Cat Profile

Published:  | Submitted by Mu 00f 3nica Ortiz | permalink
Toyger Cat Profile

The Toyger cat is a

Tip 4 - Toygers ~ One Of The Cutest Cat Breeds Ever

Published:  | Submitted by Kerry Mc Gill | permalink
Toygers ~ One Of The Cutest Cat Breeds Ever

Some of the cutest little kittens I have ever seen, Toyger kittens, show off their mad skills at roaring, hunting and being ferocious... or not. This adorable breed is fairly recent, only around since the early 1990s and the first Toyger kittens were bred in California by a woman named Judy Sugden. Since then they have become more popular. Advice on finding a reputable breeder and information about this fascinating breed of cat.

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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