How to Improve VO2max

How to Improve VO2max – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Improve VO2max. This topic was created by randy voyce and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Improve VO2 Max

Published:  | Submitted by Bob Airheart | permalink
How to Improve VO2 Max

Runners can improve VO2 max with mileage and interval training, but how many miles and how much intensity? Depends on how much you want to improve.

Tip 2 - 3 Workouts to Increase VO2 Max

Published:  | Submitted by Chelsea Krueger | permalink
3 Workouts to Increase VO2 Max

Increase your heart's ability to pump blood and oxygen to your muscles and your fitness will improve. Try these three long intervals designed to increase your VO2 max.

Tip 3 - Training to Increase Your VO2 Max

Published:  | Submitted by bengallancer | permalink
Training to Increase Your VO2 Max

VO2 may be largely genetic, but it can be influenced by training - by as much 15%. That would take me from a 57 to an incredible 65.5 and potentially drop more than twenty minutes off my marathon.
Tags: cardio,endurance training,VO2 Max,Endurance Sports

Tip 4 - How To Improve Your vo2 Max

Published:  | Submitted by Ken Silberling | permalink

Who among us hasn't marveled at Paul Tergat's speed in the marathon or Lance Armstrong's power in the Alps? What we're really admiring--from a scientific viewpoint, anyway--is these mega-athletes' VO2 max, one of the best indicators of aerobic fitness. VO2 max, or maximal oxygen uptake, indicates the amount of oxygen consumed in milliliters per kilogram of body weight per minute.

Tip 5 - 10 Ways to Increase Your VO2 Max

Published:  | Submitted by Rutger De Kreij | permalink
10 Ways to Increase Your VO2 Max

As a traditional yardstick to measure capacity for aerobic work, the VO2 Max is a considered by many endurance athletes to be the holy grail of fitness. While I completely disagree (for reasons giv...

Tip 6 - VO2 Max for Runners

Published:  | Submitted by Pattie Schmidt | permalink
VO2 Max for Runners

If you grew up in the 80′s and early 90′s, as I did, or maybe just watched a lot of Saturday morning cartoons with your children, you probably caught a few

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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