How to Increase Your Credit Score Fast & Now

How to Increase Your Credit Score Fast & Now – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Increase Your Credit Score Fast & Now. This topic was created by Jeffrey Schappert and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 11 Ways To Raise Your Credit Score, Fast

Published:  | Submitted by Anfyh | permalink
11 Ways To Raise Your Credit Score, Fast

A recent survey from the National Foundation for Credit Counseling indicates that more people would be embarrassed to admit their credit scores (30%) than their weight (12%). While crash diets don’t usually work and can be unhealthy, it is possible to change your credit score fairly quickly. But just as with [...]
Tags: Investing,Personal Finance,Credit card,Curtis Arnold,Donna Freedman,Home Shopping Network,National Foundation for Credit Counseling,TransUnion

Tip 2 - how can i increase my credit 100-150 points within a few months

Published:  | Submitted by Liliam Koike | permalink
how can i increase my credit 100-150 points within a few months

I am a mortgage officer at a community bank. Knowing the importance of credit I have been helping my daughter to rebuild her credit over the past 11 months. Payment history makes up 35% of your credit score. If you have late payments -a good payment history takes time to rebuild! When I started working with my daughter her credit score was 533 due to late payments on her student loan and a medical collection of $135. I am pleased to say her current score is 754! You may ask how could her score be increased over 200 points in less than a year? First thing we did was put her student loans on automatic payments so she was sure not to have another late payment! Next she obtained a secure credit card with a limit of $1000 to pay for gas and groceries and pay off monthly I then added her to 3 of my credit cards as an authorized user. I choose the oldest with high credit limits.(I did not give her the cards to use-only added her as an authorized user for my own protection) BEFORE being added as an authorized user be SURE you know the credit history and habits of the owner of the account. If there is a late payment on their account this will be reflected on YOUR credit history! This increased her credit approximately 100 points She paid the collection (less than 24 months old)directly to the creditor NOT to the collection agency Use caution when paying collection accounts if over 24 months old. If you make a payment the account then becomes active and can actually hurt your credit score She received offers from credit card companies as pre-approved this gave her credit with out a credit inquiry She and I meet regularly to discuss budget and use of credit cards-she uses them for normal expenses that she previously used her debit card for-gas & groceries. This allows her to save the money and pay the credit card balance monthly. Always remember how difficult it is to increase your credit score and be sure to maintain it!
Tags: calculator, calculators, calculate, loans, interest, mortgages, finance, savings, credit scores, credit trends

Tip 3 - How to Raise Your Credit Score Fast

Published:  | Submitted by crod 0712 | permalink
How to Raise Your Credit Score Fast

Learn what you can do to raise your credit score quickly. Use the tips from the personal finance author to improve your credit score in no time.
Tags: credit score, credit scores, how to raise your credit score, raising your credit score, quickly raising your credit score, raising credit score fast, how to raise your credit score fast, credit score improve, credit score tips, raise your credit score, improve your credit score, credit score raise, what's a credit score, higher credit scores,

Tip 4 - 12 Simple Ways to Raise Your Credit Score

Published:  | Submitted by Mysticcowgod | permalink
12 Simple Ways to Raise Your Credit Score

Follow these quick and easy tips, and watch your three digits climb.<br />
Tags: personal finance,credit,credit scores,credit cards,debt,loans,student loans,money,Best You: Saving & Spending,Stephanie Steinberg

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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