How to Invest in Gold Royalties

How to Invest in Gold Royalties – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Invest in Gold Royalties. This topic was created by M Alvarado and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Invest in Gold Royalties | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by denis cox | permalink
How to Invest in Gold Royalties | eHow

A gold royalty company invests in gold mines in exchange for future payments or for bargain-priced gold that it can sell for sizable profits. If you want to receive a portion of the royalty income, you can buy the stock of the royalty company. These companies typically pay out about 20 percent of the royalties as dividends to stockholders. To...

Tip 2 - A look at gold royalty companies |

Published:  | Submitted by procupine 14 | permalink
A look at gold royalty companies |

Gold royalty companies provide upfront capital to developing gold mining producers to help with the expenditures of bringing the mine into production.
Tags: Finance, Franco-Nevada Corporation, Gold

Tip 3 - Precious Metals Royalty And Streaming Companies: A Qualitative Analysis

Published:  | Submitted by ASLONG | permalink
Precious Metals Royalty And Streaming Companies: A Qualitative Analysis

By Lawrence Eyamie : The Mafia of the Gold Mining Industry The dominant players in the industry include: Silver Wheaton, Franco Nevada, Royal Gold,.
Tags: nasdaq news, market headlines, market news, stock market headlines, stock market news

Tip 4 - Precious Metal Royalties: The New Landscape

Published:  | Submitted by William Maeck | permalink

In today's challenging finance environment, some miners are looking to royalty companies to fill the funding void. Royalty sales give the junior mining company capital to explore or build a mine in exchange for a percentage of future production. It is a win-win. Investors have exposure to gold profits, but are immune to much of the risk. Juniors get the money they need to move forward. But not all royalties are the same and a number of new types have entered the market to fill specific investing and funding niches. In this special primer from The Gold Report, we survey the heads of the companies to explain the role they see themselves playing in investment portfolios and the future of mining.
Tags: gold stock recommendations, gold investment advice, gold stock analyst, best gold mining stocks

Tip 5 - 4 Royalty Stocks You Might Not Know About

Published:  | Submitted by Stan Nathanson | permalink

Their names aren't Franco Nevada, Royal Gold, or Silver Wheaton. - Daniel T. Cook - Energy

Tip 6 - Why We Invest in Royalty Companies - U.S. Global Investors

Published:  | Submitted by Johnny Lofty - Eaton | permalink
Why We Invest in Royalty Companies - U.S. Global Investors

U.S. Global Investors, Inc. is a boutique investment management firm specializing in actively managed equity and bond strategies, and has a longstanding history of expertise in gold and precious metals, natural resources and emerging markets. The company, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, manages a family of no-load mutual funds across a range of asset classes. In addition, the company manages funds for international clients.
Tags: Frank Talk, Frank Talk blog, Frank Holmes, Frank Holmes' blog, CEO blog, CEO blogs, U.S. Global Investors blog, Gold commentary, Resources commentary, Emerging markets commentary, Investment blog, investment blogs, investing blog, investing bloggers, investment watch blog, investor blogs, mutual fund blog, mutual funds blog, resources commentary, stock market blog, Financial blog, Financial blogs, Investment bloggers, Financial bloggers, U.S. Funds blog, GROW blog, CEO Investment commentary, CEO Investment blog, Frank Holmes Gold commentary, Investment viewpoint, CEO viewpoint, Frank Holmes gold, Frank Holmes blog,

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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