How to Iron a Pair of Pants

How to Iron a Pair of Pants – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Iron a Pair of Pants. This topic was created by Claudio Eggert and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How To: Iron Pants

Published:  | Submitted by Hanoz Gandhi | permalink
How To: Iron Pants

Crisply ironed pants help create a pulled-together look. Follow the simple steps in this video for a quick, flawless press―with creases or without.

Tip 2 - How to Iron Trousers | The Art of Manliness

Published:  | Submitted by Skip Askren | permalink
How to Iron Trousers | The Art of Manliness

How to iron trousers for men like a pro.

Tip 3 - How to Iron Pants

Published:  | Submitted by emo 5tep | permalink
How to Iron Pants

Even with today's wrinkle-free fabrics and casual workplaces, sometimes you need to iron a pair of pants. Unless you live with your mother or have a spouse with some free time (who actually knows how to iron) you're going to have to know...
Tags: WikiHow, Iron Pants, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

For further reading: [3]

Tip 4 - How to Iron pants with Martha Stewart's REAL SIMPLE

Published:  | Submitted by Dean Arndt | permalink
How to Iron pants with Martha Stewart's REAL SIMPLE

Pay attention to these ironing tips to iron your pants perfectly. Crisply ironed pants help create a pulled-together look. Follow these simple steps for a quick, flawless press?with creases or without. Learn how to iron pants with the folks from Martha Stewart's REAL SIMPLE. What You Need Iron, ironing board, pair of pants Follow These Five Easy Steps How To: Iron Pants Step 1 Iron the pockets Turn pants inside out. Iron pockets first, laying them flat against the board. How To: Iron Pants Step 2 Iron fly, seams, and hems Iron the fly area of the pants, then the seams and hem of the first

Tip 5 - How to Properly Iron Shirts, Pants, and Skirts

Published:  | Submitted by Frans Wagenaar | permalink
How to Properly Iron Shirts, Pants, and Skirts

Ironing clothes is one of those tasks that has a tendency to be a bit terrifying, but worry not, it just seems overly complicated. Here, we'll break it down into the three simplest, most common cases: Shirts, pants, and skirts. Some fabric types might need special attention, but other than that it's all pretty much the same.
Tags: How do i, Clothes, Clothing, Home, Shirts, Pants, Skirts, Sheets, Pleats, seams, Steam, Lifehacker

Tip 6 - When Should I Iron a Crease in My Pants?

Published:  | Submitted by Brian Mc Hugh | permalink
When Should I Iron a Crease in My Pants?

The crease that runs vertically down the front of most slacks—pants that aren’t chinos or denim—is there to add sharpness and sophistication to your look. This fold, also known as a traveler’s crease, helps keep your pants neat when you hang them in a garment bag as well. You’ll typically find them on work, semi-formal, or formal pants. 

Tip 7 - Iron a Button-Down Shirt and Pants

Published:  | Submitted by Sampo Sihvola | permalink
Iron a Button-Down Shirt and Pants

Iron a Button-Down Shirt and Pants,

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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