How to Keep Cakes From Sticking to the Pans

How to Keep Cakes From Sticking to the Pans – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Keep Cakes From Sticking to the Pans. This topic was created by Pam Dyer and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Keep Cake from Sticking to the Pan

Published:  | Submitted by Keith Averill | permalink
How to Keep Cake from Sticking to the Pan

With our expert tips, you'll learn how to avoid the frustration of baking a cake that falls apart as soon as you try to remove it from the pan.

Tip 2 - How to Keep Cake from Sticking to the Pan, Two Ways - Completely Delicious

Published:  | Submitted by Sanju | permalink
How to Keep Cake from Sticking to the Pan, Two Ways - Completely Delicious

There are few baking disasters worse than a cake that sticks to the pan. You put in the time and effort, you’re excited as you pull it from the oven, but when you go to remove it from the pan it sticks and comes out in pieces. [...]

Tip 3 - How to Keep Cakes from Sticking to Pan – — Clumsy Crafter

Published:  | Submitted by Guy Linderman | permalink
How to Keep Cakes from Sticking to Pan – — Clumsy Crafter

It never fails. You bake the perfect smelling cake that looks beautiful in the pan. Your head spins of thoughts of ways to decorate it until you dump it out of the pan and half of the cake stays stuck onto the pan itself. Then all your time is consumed by trying to piece the cake back together...
Tags: Array

Tip 4 - How To: Prepare Cake Pans

Published:  | Submitted by djono | permalink
How To: Prepare Cake Pans

Preparing your cake pans the right way is crucial to the success of your cake. Learn how to prep them properly to ensure your cakes come out of the pans cleanly every time.
Tags: how to prepare a cake, cake pan, how-to videos, baking, baking tips, baking how-tos

Tip 5 - Preparing Cake Pans: So Cakes Don't Stick

Published:  | Submitted by Juice ROC | permalink
Preparing Cake Pans: So Cakes Don't Stick

Explore three methods for making sure your cakes don't stick, and a simple tutorial for the best way.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

18.8k+ Reads
5 Tips
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