How to Keep From Getting a Cold

How to Keep From Getting a Cold – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Keep From Getting a Cold. This topic was created by Rikke Rasch and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Protect Yourself to Prevent Colds and Flu

Published:  | Submitted by Shankhar Nathan | permalink
Protect Yourself to Prevent Colds and Flu

With a few precautions, you may be able to prevent colds and the flu. Here are 10 tips to help you reduce your exposure to cold germs and the flu virus.

Tip 2 - How to Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On

Published:  | Submitted by Servantof Shodan | permalink
How to Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On

Unfortunately, there is no way to completely stop a cold once you already feel it coming on. There are numerous steps you can take in preventing the cold from getting any worse than it needs to be, however, and many of these steps can also...
Tags: WikiHow, Stop a Cold when You Feel It Coming On, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 3 - Stop a Cold in Its Tracks

Published:  | Submitted by The Mahendra A Sharma | permalink
Stop a Cold in Its Tracks

Your step-by-step plan to beating back that virus before it beats you.
Tags: health magazine january february 2011, cold, flue, sinuses, congestion, sore throat, quick cold fixes

Tip 4 - How Doctors Avoid Cold and Flu Germs

Published:  | Submitted by Tom Gloria | permalink
How Doctors Avoid Cold and Flu Germs

With cold and flu season in full swing, we wondered how top docs personally battle nasty bugs each winter. Here are their expert tips for keeping pains, aches, sniffles, and sneezes at bay.
Tags: WebMD the Magazine, WebMD Magazine, cold and flu, colds and flu, the flu, common cold, preventing cold and flu, treating cold and flu, cold and flu treatment, OTC cold flu, overthecounter cold flu, flu shot, cold flu wash hands, exercise and immunity, exercise and cold flu, chicken soup cold flu, acupuncture cold flu, herbal cold flu, hands face cold flu, handle germs, Vitamin C colds flu, sore throat remedies

Tip 5 - Stop a Cold in Just 12 Hours

Published:  | Submitted by hany | permalink
Stop a Cold in Just 12 Hours

Before your sniffles morph into a nasty sinus, chest, or ear infection, here's how to fight back.
Tags: cold, flu

Tip 6 - Don’t Let a Cold Get You Down

Published:  | Submitted by Birkir | permalink
Don’t Let a Cold Get You Down

There are about 200 cold viruses, and Americans get, on average, three to four colds a year. But you can protect yourself with these tips from WebMD.
Tags: cold, colds, common cold, cold viruses, cold transmission, rhinoviruses, catch a cold

Tip 7 - Keeping Contagious Infections Contained

Published:  | Submitted by Marco Willemse | permalink
Keeping Contagious Infections Contained

WebMD tells you how to prevent getting that cold, flu, or pinkeye your family member or coworker has.
Tags: cold, flu, preventing cold, preventing flu, preventing pinkeye, flu shot, whooping cough, pertussis, vaccinations, pneumonia, bronchitis

Tip 8 - 5 Ways to Stop Colds From Spreading in Your Family

Published:  | Submitted by clara ades | permalink
5 Ways to Stop Colds From Spreading in Your Family

As a cold spreads from one family member to the next, illness causes missed school, missed work, and a lot of aches and pains. Here are five tips to stop colds from spreading in your family.
Tags: colds, common cold, cold germs, cold virus, germs, virus, contagious colds

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

4.1k+ Reads
8 Tips
9 Votes
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