How to Keep Toffee From Separating

How to Keep Toffee From Separating – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Keep Toffee From Separating. This topic was created by Tammy Burke and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Why Did My Butter Separate When Making Toffee or Caramel?

Published:  | Submitted by Dan Schlegel | permalink
Why Did My Butter Separate When Making Toffee or Caramel?

Why did the butter separate from my toffee or caramel? This article answers the question of why butter sometimes separates when making toffee or caramel.

Tip 2 - Toffee disaster - what went wrong? - Home Cooking - Chowhound

Published:  | Submitted by Joe Aybar | permalink
Toffee disaster - what went wrong? - Home Cooking - Chowhound

Page 1 of Toffee disaster - what went wrong? - I attempted to make toffee at home last night and it was a complete disaster. After heating the butter and sugar (and 3 tbsp) of water, everything wa

Tip 3 - Candymaking with Butter

Published:  | Submitted by Ellen Heaton | permalink

General Guidelines There are three main types of candies that contain butter: toffee, caramels, and fudge. The following guidelines apply to all: 1 Avoid making candy on a humid day. The candy will absorb the moisture from the air when cooling and not set properly. If it is only slightly humid, cooking the candy a degree or two higher than directed may counteract this.

Tip 4 - What is causing my butter toffee to separate?

Published:  | Submitted by Emilio Gil | permalink
What is causing my butter toffee to separate?

Each year at this time, I make 4-6 batches of Butter Toffee (2c sugar, 2 c butter, 2 tsp vanilla, 6 tbsp water), but only about half usually turn out ok. About half way through the heating process,...

Tip 5 - Butter separation in english toffee candy

Published:  | Submitted by DAVID BOCKEL | permalink
Butter separation in english toffee candy

I've read recently some articles about English toffee candy and the issue of butter separation was mentioned there. I am looking for further information abut this phenomenon (what causes this sepa...

Tip 6 - Chocolate Separating from Toffee - Pastry & Baking

Published:  | Submitted by osamanasr | permalink
Chocolate Separating from Toffee - Pastry & Baking

Page 1 of 2 - Chocolate Separating from Toffee - posted in Pastry & Baking: Here's the deal: I'm making English Toffee to sell in tins at our stores. It's your basic toffee recipe -- sugar, butter, corn syrup and water -- and is topped with dark chocolate and chopped walnuts. I'm having problems with the chocolate separating from the toffee. Mind you, this isn't as simple a solution (at least in my mind) as "she must have messed up a tray" (or something...
Tags: Chocolate,Separating,from,Toffee,Heres,deal,making,English,sell,tins,stores,Its,your,basic,toffee,recipe,sugar,butter,corn,syrup

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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