How to Keep Your Car Clean With a Toddler

How to Keep Your Car Clean With a Toddler – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Keep Your Car Clean With a Toddler. This topic was created by frederic HENRY - BIABAUD and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 6 secrets to keeping your car tidy when you have kids

Published:  | Submitted by Howard Medow | permalink
6 secrets to keeping your car tidy when you have kids

A sweet commercial that aired a few years ago showed a dad at the local car wash vacuuming up mounds of wayward Cheerios while his toddler, gooing and gaahing, drops three more for every one picked up.

Tip 2 - Tips for Keeping Your Car Clean When You Commute With Your Kid

Published:  | Submitted by Maria Elena Galvis | permalink
Tips for Keeping Your Car Clean When You Commute With Your Kid

Are you struggling at keeping your car clean? Are you always toting little passengers around? Here are tips for keeping your car clean when you commute with kids.

Tip 3 - 10 Tips for Keeping Your Car Clean and Organized

Published:  | Submitted by Elly Bunn | permalink
10 Tips for Keeping Your Car Clean and Organized

As busy moms, our car is our office. We log a lot of hours in that trusty vehicle, from carpooling the kids around, to grocery shopping and appointment hopping. People would be surprised at the kinds of things a mom can accomplish within the four doors of her car, from breastfeeding and changing d

Tip 4 - Tips to keep the car clean with kids - Your Modern Family

Published:  | Submitted by Dipesh Goel | permalink
Tips to keep the car clean with kids - Your Modern Family

keep the car clean with kids: 1). Keep a plastic bag in your glove compartment to use as a garbage bag. 2). Line your seats with...

Tip 5 - 9+ Tricks to Protect Your Car from Your Kids (While Keeping Them Busy)

Published:  | Submitted by thepirate | permalink
9+ Tricks to Protect Your Car from Your Kids (While Keeping Them Busy)

Before you have kids, your car is probably kept in decent, if not pristine condition. After you have kids, every surface in your car has the potential to turn into a sticky, glittery, crumb-covered mess. Keep your kids occupied in the car without the mess with these simple hacks.
Tags: parenting, cars, kids, organization, clever uses, editor's picks, Lifehacker

Tip 6 - How to Organize Your Messy Car (and Keep It That Way)

Published:  | Submitted by Meredith Hightower | permalink
How to Organize Your Messy Car (and Keep It That Way)

Do you think twice about giving someone a ride because your car is a perennial mess? You aren't alone. For many of us, if it didn't have four wheels, that would probably be the untidiest room of our house. But there are smart ways to fix this without much effort.
Tags: Organization, Cleaning, Cars, Household, Clever Uses, DIY, Lifehacker

Tip 7 - Today’s Hint: 3 Tips For Cleaning Kid Messes in Cars, Car Seats & Strollers

Published:  | Submitted by vxskud | permalink
Today’s Hint: 3 Tips For Cleaning Kid Messes in Cars, Car Seats & Strollers

In a guest hint, Susan Maccarelli shares three quick tips for getting a handle on car, car seat and stroller messes.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

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