How to Know When to Avoid Disneyland (and the Lines)

How to Know When to Avoid Disneyland (and the Lines) – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Know When to Avoid Disneyland (and the Lines). This topic was created by cecil guzman and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Hack Disneyland: Sure Ways to Shorten How Long You Wait

Published:  | Submitted by Michelle Pineda | permalink
How to Hack Disneyland: Sure Ways to Shorten How Long You Wait

Smart ways to stay out of line at Disneyland and have more fun
Tags: com.about.globe.model.extended.docv2.SliceableListEx@76dd9792

Tip 2 - How to Have the Perfect Day at Disneyland

Published:  | Submitted by cixx | permalink
How to Have the Perfect Day at Disneyland

As you probably know, Disneyland is a large theme park located in Anaheim, California. This how-to will give you tips and hints on how to have a great day at Disneyland, and to minimize wait times and maximize fun! Buy tickets early....
Tags: WikiHow, Have the Perfect Day at Disneyland, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 3 - The rich can still skip Disneyland lines. Just pay Disney.

Published:  | Submitted by Yogesh Munjal | permalink
The rich can still skip Disneyland lines. Just pay Disney.

Now that we’ve all had a chance to be shocked by the dirty rich rats who hire a special tour guide so they can get onto the most popular Disney rides without waiting in a long line,...
Tags: news

Tip 4 - Using Time Wisely at Disneyland - Ultimate Disneyland Guide:

Published:  | Submitted by SCHNAPPI 039 SPS 3 | permalink
Using Time Wisely at Disneyland - Ultimate Disneyland Guide:

More important than what date to visit Disneyland is what time to visit Disneyland. Disneyland opens at 8am most days, you should be waiting at the gate at 7:55. The best way to get a lot done in Disneyland is to get there in the morning EARLY and power through as many attractions as you …

Tip 5 - 5 Tips for Surviving the Crowds at Disneyland - Disney Tourist Blog

Published:  | Submitted by CAFFI | permalink
5 Tips for Surviving the Crowds at Disneyland - Disney Tourist Blog

Christmas and New Year's weeks are two of the year's busiest times. These tips will help you avoid long lines at Disneyland & Disney California Adventure if you're visiting during these two highly crowded times (or any other busy holidays, for that matter, such as Easter, July 4th, etc.) with 5 of our best tips for surviving the crowds at Disneyland Resort.

Tip 6 - Disneyland Crowd Tracker

Published:  | Submitted by toddw 121 | permalink
Disneyland Crowd Tracker

Wait Times !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://platform.twitte...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

21.9k+ Reads
6 Tips
6 Votes
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