How to Know if You Are Having a Boy or a Girl Baby

How to Know if You Are Having a Boy or a Girl Baby – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Know if You Are Having a Boy or a Girl Baby. This topic was created by Mauro Prazeres and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Am I Having A Boy Or Girl? Fun Ways to Tell!

Published:  | Submitted by dakirith | permalink
Am I Having A Boy Or Girl? Fun Ways to Tell!

Our super-cool gender predictor gives you just-for-fun ways to guess the gender of your baby, from Chinese birth calendars to morning sickness.

Tip 2 - Gender Prediction Quiz

Published:  | Submitted by Doaa El Maghraby | permalink

Are you pregnant and wondering if you are having a girl or a boy? Take this gender prediction quiz that predicts the gender of your baby!

Tip 3 - Are You Having a Boy Or A Girl?

Published:  | Submitted by Pete Simpkinson | permalink

Most pregnant women are curious about whether they're having a boy or a girl. We came up with all kinds of "old wives' tales" to try to predict the sex of the baby. Is there any truth to any of them? Let's find out!

Tip 4 - Can old wives' tales predict a boy or girl?

Published:  | Submitted by Bo Ug S | permalink
Can old wives' tales predict a boy or girl?

There are plenty of myths about how to tell whether you are pregnant with a boy or a girl. Here are some of the most popular, gathered from around the world.
Tags: choosing baby's sex, old wives tales, baby gender, skull theory

Tip 5 - How can I tell if I'm having a boy or a girl?

Published:  | Submitted by www E Com Workscom | permalink
How can I tell if I'm having a boy or a girl?

Is there a reliable way to tell if I'm having a boy or a girl? Our expert answers.
Tags: tell sex of baby, predicting, will it be a boy or girl, folklore, myth, amniocentesis, skull theory

Tip 6 - Boy or girl quiz: Am I having a boy or a girl?

Published:  | Submitted by brp 68391 | permalink
Boy or girl quiz: Am I having a boy or a girl?

This this fun little quiz will answer that burning question, 'Am I having a boy or a girl?' well, that's according to the old wives' tales, anyway!
Tags: pregnancy, boy or girl pregnant, am I having a boy or girl?, how to tell if I'm having a boy or girl, pregnant, baby gender,

Tip 7 - what are the early signs of having a boy or a girl

Published:  | Submitted by Joanne Brooke - Smith | permalink
what are the early signs of having a boy or a girl

what are the early signs of having a boy or a girl

Tip 8 - Can You Guess Your Baby's Sex?

Published:  | Submitted by Roy Coxe | permalink
Can You Guess Your Baby's Sex?

Trying to tell whether it's a boy or girl? Here's what works -- and what doesn't.
Tags: pregnancy, baby gender, how to have a baby girl

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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8 Tips
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