How to Leverage A Down Ecomony to Create A Solar Energy Business

How to Leverage A Down Ecomony to Create A Solar Energy Business – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Leverage A Down Ecomony to Create A Solar Energy Business. This topic was created by Chris De Soiza and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Advancing American Energy

Published:  | Submitted by reena ashok | permalink
Advancing American Energy

Advancing American Energy President Obama’s All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy is making America more energy independent and supporting jobs. Since the President took office, domestic energy-related emissions have fallen to their lowest level in 20 years, and our dependence on foreign oil is at a 40-year low — and declining.
Tags: President,Barack Obama,White House,United States of America,44th President,White House history,President Obama,Barck,Barek,Barak,Barrack,Barrak,Obma,Barack,Energy and Environment

Tip 2 - The potential bridges to new solar business models

Published:  | Submitted by Julie Severson | permalink
The potential bridges to new solar business models

Distributed solar’s continued growth requires aligning interests of utilities, solar companies.

Tip 3 - New Energy Economy impacts climb to $802 million

Published:  | Submitted by Jan de Boer | permalink
New Energy Economy impacts climb to $802 million

The New Energy Economy in San Antonio is going strong, with economic impacts climbing another 29% in just the past four months.

Tip 4 - A new theory of energy and the economy – Part 1 – Generating economic growth | Our Finite World on

Published:  | Submitted by Lynn Karrick | permalink
A new theory of energy and the economy – Part 1 – Generating economic growth | Our Finite World on

How does the economy really work? In my view, there are many erroneous theories in published literature. I have been investigating this topic and have come to the conclusion that both energy and debt play an extremely important role in an economic system. Once energy supply and other aspects of the economy start hitting diminishing…

Tip 5 - Can you afford to eliminate your electric bill with solar energy? - The Buffalo News

Published:  | Submitted by raphi 2142 | permalink
 Can you afford to eliminate your electric bill with solar energy?  - The Buffalo News

The future of clean – and potentially more affordable – home energy could look a lot like Bob Timmel’s backyard.Beyond the porch that extends from the rear of his North Collins home, next to the small blue warehouse occupied by his disaster... - The Buffalo News

Tip 6 - Big batteries could make or break solar energy |

Published:  | Submitted by Tyra Ceasar - Mitchell | permalink
Big batteries could make or break solar energy |

Big batteries are quickly becoming the technology du jour in making the case for transitioning the nation to increasing amounts of solar energy and renewables. But the time it will take to work out the cost and regulatory kinks to move the batteries to a wider market have not been figured out, say investors and academics examining the prospects for electric storage technology. Electric vehicle company Tesla is expected to announce a new business venture later this week focused on marketing the big batteries, referred to as energy storage, for residential and commercial use. The big lithium-ion batteries would be used as a backup energy supply for homeowners with solar panels that cannot generate electricity when the sun is not shining. The batteries kick in when the sun goes down, or at times when electric power from the grid is expensive, acting to save consumers money on their electric bills. At least that's what advocates want to happen.
Tags: PennAve,Energy and Environment,Electricity,Technology,Solar Energy,Tesla,John Siciliano

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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