How to Lose 15 Pounds with the Grapefruit Diet Plan

How to Lose 15 Pounds with the Grapefruit Diet Plan – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Lose 15 Pounds with the Grapefruit Diet Plan. This topic was created by KUSON 2 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The Grapefruit Diet: New and Improved

Published:  | Submitted by Jay Curwen | permalink
The Grapefruit Diet: New and Improved

The Grapefruit Diet: New and Improved The original Grapefruit Diet dates back to the 1930s. Now there's new  interest in eating the citrus fruit to whittle your middle based on a new study that fou...

Tip 2 - Grapefruit Diet Plan Review: Does It Work?

Published:  | Submitted by Herjann | permalink
Grapefruit Diet Plan Review: Does It Work?

Is the grapefruit diet a plan that is healthy or safe? Read our review and get the facts.
Tags: grapefruit diet, weight loss, calories, fat, unsweetened, grapefruit, juice, exercise

Tip 3 - Grapefruit diet review

Published:  | Submitted by Aamir Khawaja | permalink
Grapefruit diet review

Big hit from the 80’s, already once discarded; grapefruit diet may get a second chance thanks to a new studies. Characterized by consuming vast amounts of grapefruits but very limited choice of other ingredients and dangerously low in daily calorie intake, grapefruit diet was described by nutritionists as unhealthy and not recommended fad diet.

Tip 4 - The Unofficial Mayo Clinic Grapefruit Diet Plan | LIVESTRONG.COM

Published:  | Submitted by Andrew Millard | permalink
The Unofficial Mayo Clinic Grapefruit Diet Plan | LIVESTRONG.COM

The unofficial Mayo Clinic Grapefruit diet is a short-term, rapid weight loss plan. Although it bears the name of the Minnesota-based Mayo Clinic, spokespeople say the diet was not developed or ever endorsed by the medical institution. The diet consists of a strict set of menus and guidelines that proponents claim can help you lose up to 50 pounds...

Tip 5 - Ways to Lose 15 Pounds Fast

Published:  | Submitted by Emmett Cooper | permalink
Ways to Lose 15 Pounds Fast

Includes: eating well diet, the mediterranean diet, south beach diet, the 17 day diet, tips for fast weight loss, fad diet cautions, and stay safe.
Tags: Ways to Lose 15 Pounds Fast, eating well diet, the mediterranean diet, south beach diet, the 17 day diet

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

22.2k+ Reads
5 Tips
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