How to Make Birdfeeders From Plastic Bottles

How to Make Birdfeeders From Plastic Bottles – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Make Birdfeeders From Plastic Bottles. This topic was created by Laurent Pauchard and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Feed the Birds - Waterbottle Bird Feeder

Published:  | Submitted by Jennifer Brooks | permalink
Feed the Birds - Waterbottle Bird Feeder

My requirements were easy, cheap, and it can't look like a soda bottle.

Tip 2 - How to Make Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder - DIY & Crafts - Handimania

Published:  | Submitted by Mark Aspinall | permalink
How to Make Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder - DIY & Crafts - Handimania

Reuse soda bottle to serve seeds for birds during long winter time

Tip 3 - 23 DIY Birdfeeders That Will Fill Your Garden With Birds - DIY & Crafts

Published:  | Submitted by Karyn Williams | permalink
23 DIY Birdfeeders That Will Fill Your Garden With Birds - DIY & Crafts

We have collected a great list of DIY birdfeeders that will instantly beautify your porch or make the perfect gift. They are easy to make and are great for getting those birds to your property so that you can enjoy them. Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21...

Tip 4 - 7 Steps to Making a Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder

Published:  | Submitted by Team Nemesis | permalink
7 Steps to Making a Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder

Instructions and tips for turning a plastic bottle into an easy bird feeder. Great project for kids and backyard birders of all ages, and a fantastic way to recycle plastic bottles.

Tip 5 - DIY: How to Make a Bird Feeder From a Plastic Bottle!

Published:  | Submitted by Marco Artali | permalink
DIY: How to Make a Bird Feeder From a Plastic Bottle!

A few simple household materials are all you need to create a simple, upcycled bird feeder. Grab a plastic bottle and some bamboo chopsticks, and get creative!
Tags: bird feeder, bird feeder, feeder, birds, diy bird feeder, make your own bird feeder, make a bird feeder, water bottle, plastic bottle, upcycled, upcycled feeder, bird seed, birdseed, sparrows, chickadees, jays, finches, nuthatches, urban birds, urban bird feeder,bird seed,birds,birdseed,chickadees,diy bird feeder,feeder,finches,jays,make a bird feeder,make your own bird feeder,nuthatches,plastic bottle,sparrows,upcycled,upcycled feeder,urban bird feeder,urban birds,water bottle

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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