Tip - How to Make Cool Sculptures with PVC Cut-Offs

Published  | Submitted by Harrie Zonneveld
How to Make Cool Sculptures with PVC Cut-Offs

PVC isn't something you want to send to the landfill. It's not going to do anything good for the ground when it's buried. It is also something you really, REALLY don't want to send to an incinerator. When burned, PVC releases some really nasty chemicals, including hydrochloric acid and dioxin. I keep all of my cut-offs, both because they can be used in other projects when all I need is a small piece, and because I am well to aware of the environmental impacts of this stuff when it's not recycled. When they pile up too high, I like to have some fun with them. What I'm showing here is not how

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Posted: 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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