How to Make Money as an Amazon Turk

How to Make Money as an Amazon Turk – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Make Money as an Amazon Turk. This topic was created by shejar and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Tips for Making Money with Amazon Mechanical Turk - The Simple Dollar

Published:  | Submitted by karen grant | permalink

Over the last month, tons of readers have written to me asking me about Amazon's Mechanical Turk service. Can you actually earn reasonable money with it, o

Tip 2 - How Can You Actually Earn Money from Amazon Mechanical Turk

Published:  | Submitted by Juancarlos Santamaria | permalink
How Can You Actually Earn Money from Amazon Mechanical Turk

If you want to make money online, there's a new sheriff in town: Amazon Mechanical Turk. It's a great place to begin your search for online income.

Tip 3 - My Brief and Curious Life As a Mechanical Turk

Published:  | Submitted by Sandra Cox | permalink
My Brief and Curious Life As a Mechanical Turk

As accomplished as modern-day computers are, there are some very basic things even the smartest machines have yet to master: tough judgment calls, advanced image recognition, making goofy faces, conducting psychological surveys. These are an assortment of tasks we humans can still claim as our own. Or at least, that we can outsource to other, less fortunate humans. Like me.
Tags: mechanical turk, review, amazon, longform, back alley, Gizmodo

Tip 4 - New to Mturk, Here's what you should know. • /r/mturk

Published:  | Submitted by Mac West | permalink
New to Mturk, Here's what you should know. • /r/mturk

So you just got your account approved and you started out, cranking out as many HITs as you possibly can making a few bucks a day? Well STOP! Read...
Tags: reddit,, vote, comment, submit

Tip 5 - Is Amazon Mechanical Turk Worth It? - My unique take..

Published:  | Submitted by Gene Duckett | permalink
Is Amazon Mechanical Turk Worth It? - My unique take..

Time-consuming tasks for tiny payments? So, is Amazon Mechanical Turk worth it? There's a half million people who think so. Find out how experienced users make the most on MTurk.

Tip 6 - How to Earn $100/Week or More with Reddit

Published:  | Submitted by Floyd Campbell | permalink
How to Earn $100/Week or More with Reddit

Reddit is about more than just funny pictures of cats and celebrity gifs. Here’s how one of its communities can help you make more money from your Turking.
Tags: how to make money, make money online, mechanical turk

Tip 7 - Amazon's Mechanical Turk lets you make $$$, sort of - CNET

Published:  | Submitted by Ron Snayberger | permalink
Amazon's Mechanical Turk lets you make $$$, sort of - CNET

Amazon's Mechanical Turk lets you earn money for doing small computer tasks like eyeballing highway photos and classifying Web sites, but with average rates ranging from a penny to 10 cents, you have to have a lot of time on your hands to make it worth yo

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

21.1k+ Reads
7 Tips
7 Votes
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