How to Make Wedding Planning Pay Off

How to Make Wedding Planning Pay Off – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Make Wedding Planning Pay Off. This topic was created by RENE PRIETO and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Wedding Planner Salary: How Top Planners Earn $120,000+/Year

Published:  | Submitted by licicego | permalink
Wedding Planner Salary: How Top Planners Earn $120,000+/Year

The wedding industry in the United States is a gigantic one, with over 2 million weddings taking place across the country every year and over 80 billion dollars spent annually. With that much money...

Tip 2 - My wedding planner saved me so much money that she paid for herself!

Published:  | Submitted by Walter Harvey | permalink
My wedding planner saved me so much money that she paid for herself!

How much do wedding planners cost? Well, it might not matter if they save you more money than you're paying them. Here's how it works...

Tip 3 - Ask Team Practical: Wedding Planning While in Debt

Published:  | Submitted by Nicolas Lucet | permalink
Ask Team Practical: Wedding Planning While in Debt

It’s Friday, which means Ask Team Practical with Alyssa! Wheee! Today we’re talking about budgets and weddings. Back at the beginning, the APW tagline was “Creative. Thrifty. Sane.” And we spent a whole lot of time talking about wedding budgets. But these days, we talk more about emotion, and less about the emotion of wanting to gouge your eyes out while paying for your wedding. So, I’m thrilled to dive back into budget talk today, after a week of talking about low key weddings, and surviving unemployment. Plus, Alyssa is dishing on surviving her wedding planning with a lot of debt, …

Tip 4 - How to Pay For Your Wedding Without Going Broke

Published:  | Submitted by Mark Castiglioni | permalink
How to Pay For Your Wedding Without Going Broke

Alexa von Tobel, CEO of financial planning website LearnVest, dishes on how to stay financially sound while planning your wedding.
Tags: Married Life, Wedding Budgets, Wedding Planning

Tip 5 - Ten Ways I Trimmed $21,000 Off My Wedding Budget

Published:  | Submitted by Sonya Gregory - Hayes | permalink
Ten Ways I Trimmed $21,000 Off My Wedding Budget

Ever since I got engaged, planning my wedding has been a financial challenge—especially since I’m both a sentimental and thrifty person. On the one hand, I think: It’s a special day—the one moment in my life when I’ll be surrounded by all of my dearest family members and friends. So why not splurge? But I also think: I don’t have a huge income.
Tags: money, budget, saving money, weddings, marriage, negotiating, DIY, republished, Lifehacker

Tip 6 - Engaged couple need to make paying off debt a priority

Published:  | Submitted by David Mackintosh | permalink
Engaged couple need to make paying off debt a priority

Ruth and Cameron wonder what the best way is to plan for a wedding and a family ... and eventual retirement
Tags: debt;wedding;retirement;family;planner;personal loan;tax savings;rental property;parental leave;consumer debts;planner notes;financial facelift;Financial Facelift;

Tip 7 - Pay Off Debt in 7 Steps and Still Maintain Your Lifestyle

Published:  | Submitted by Maran Banta | permalink
Pay Off Debt in 7 Steps and Still Maintain Your Lifestyle

By show of hands, how many of you want to pay off debt? That many huh? No worries, so do I and so does just about everyone you know.
Tags: pay, off, debt, in, 7, steps, and, still, maintain, your, lifestyle, black, voices

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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