How to Make Your Own Deer Hunting Scent Eliminator

How to Make Your Own Deer Hunting Scent Eliminator – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Make Your Own Deer Hunting Scent Eliminator. This topic was created by Gpl 2 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Deer Hunting Tip: Use Baking Soda to Cover Your Scent

Published:  | Submitted by Bart Verbrugge | permalink

“Baking soda, the same stuff that deodorizes the fridge, is the key to my scent-control system,” says Wisconsin’s Tom VanDoorn, who’s taken more than a dozen Pope and Young bucks. Here’s his routine: Take a soda shower. “The stuff can rub your skin raw if you use it straight,” cautions VanDoorn. “So mix a few tablespoons with some liquid no-scent soap. When I used to shower with straight unscented soap, I could always smell a little odor when I was finished. I can’t smell a thing when I mix in baking soda.” Make a soda-and-clothes lasagna. “Use baking soda like any other powdered detergent to wash your clothes. Dry them, lay a few items in a plastic tote, sprinkle a layer of soda on that, put in another layer of clothing, sprinkle more soda, and so on until the tote is full. Then place an open box of baking soda in with the clothes and seal the tote up.”
Tags: from the magazine, hunting, Deer Hunting, deer hunting tips, Deer Hunting Camo and Clothing, trophy bucks

Tip 2 - Make Your Own Cover Scent

Published:  | Submitted by Dan Power | permalink

When it comes to scent, there are basically two types; those that attract and those that mask.  I've tried both on many occasions.  There are lots and lots of "doe in heat" scents, designed
Tags: hunting tip, make your own cover scents

Tip 3 - Scent Control Tips: From Breath To Boots | 365 Whitetail

Published:  | Submitted by Jarmonk | permalink
Scent Control Tips: From Breath To Boots | 365 Whitetail

Proper scent control is a consequential element in the bowhunter’s overall hunting strategy. With the whitetail’s primary line of defense being its acute sense of smell, a lack of scent control is not an option.

Tip 4 - Scent Blocker....needed or not ?

Published:  | Submitted by Corey Miller | permalink

I just want to know everybody opinion on all the "scent elimination " hype? Needed? or just another thing to spend money on? ? I personally do not use it but just curious as to everybody else. One kill.

Tip 5 - Let 'sHunt

Published:  | Submitted by MFR | permalink
Let 'sHunt

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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