How to Make a Big City Seem Smaller

How to Make a Big City Seem Smaller – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Make a Big City Seem Smaller. This topic was created by Bill Stark and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Guide to SimCity: 10 basic tricks to build your city | Tips | Softonic

Published:  | Submitted by Marcello Souza | permalink
Guide to SimCity: 10 basic tricks to build your city | Tips | Softonic

Guide to SimCity: 10 basic tricks to build your city. SimCity, the fifth installment of the city-building simulator from Maxis, comes packed full of new features and options for managing your city....
Tags: Simulation, Windows, Mac, Tips

Tip 2 - Big City To Small Town: A Personal Cost-Of-Living Update

Published:  | Submitted by Gisley Ferreira | permalink
Big City To Small Town:   A Personal Cost-Of-Living Update

Nearly a year ago, I wrote about how moving from San Francisco to rural Illinois would change my economic reality. Some friends even assumed that it was so cheap to live in the country that I wouldn't have to work at all! My plans actually changed a bit, and I've spent the last 8 months in one of Illinois' small towns (Pop. 9,000) and figured it was about time for a check-in...

Tip 3 - Has anyone dated in a small town and a big city? What were the differences? • /r/modernromantics

Published:  | Submitted by j Moran | permalink
Has anyone dated in a small town and a big city? What were the differences? • /r/modernromantics

23 points and 50 comments so far on reddit
Tags: reddit,, vote, comment, submit

Tip 4 - 7 Small Business Ideas for Big Cities

Published:  | Submitted by jdion | permalink
7 Small Business Ideas for Big Cities

A city with a high population density — and a large potential customer base — can be a great place to start a business. Here are seven ideas for small businesses to start in a big city.

Tip 5 - From Small Town Comfort to Big City Calamity

Published:  | Submitted by Jim and Berta Darr | permalink

Navigating the transition process By Heather Markel, Culture Transition Specialist We tend to think of culture shock as something that only affects us when we move to a different country.  The truth, however, is that culture shock can occur on many levels and across multiple horizons.  Often it is the unexpected dynamics that cause the gr

Tip 6 - Big or Small City - What Really Costs More?

Published:  | Submitted by Marti Hubbard | permalink
Big or Small City - What Really Costs More?

I don't think I've ever been more aware of the differences between prices across the U.S. as I have this week.
Tags: Budgeting,living,money,i’ve

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

15.7k+ Reads
6 Tips
7 Votes
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