How to Make a Classic Hamburger

How to Make a Classic Hamburger – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Make a Classic Hamburger. This topic was created by Samantha Bloomquist and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The Classic Burger Recipe |

Published:  | Submitted by gvjames | permalink
The Classic Burger Recipe |

Sink your teeth into a delicious hamburger recipe made from lean beef.To make cheeseburgers, about 1 minute before burgers are done, top with sliced cheese; continue cooking until cheese begins to melt.Notes: If you want absolute bacteria safety, you need to cook your burgers to 160°. This recipe will keep them moist.
Tags: Main Dishes, Family, Quick/Easy, Beef

Tip 2 - Classic Hamburger

Published:  | Submitted by George Ratcliff | permalink
Classic Hamburger

Slow-cooked onions add moisture and flavor to these lean beef burgers.
Tags: eating well, eatingwell, healthy recipes, healthy eating, healthy cooking, weight loss recipes, quick healthy recipes, healthy menus, healthy cooking recipes, healthy diet recipes, healthy foods, healthy meals, healthy diet, diet recipes

Tip 3 - All-American Cheeseburger Recipe

Published:  | Submitted by montyhmf 001 | permalink
All-American Cheeseburger Recipe

The All-American Cheeseburger has certain non-negotiable elements: American cheese is one of them. Rather than unwrap individual singles, get sliced cheese from your nearest deli counter — it taste...

Tip 4 - The Perfect Basic Burger

Published:  | Submitted by William Kaitz | permalink
The Perfect Basic Burger

Nothing beats a simple hamburger on a warm summer evening! Ground beef is blended with an easy to prepare bread crumb mixture. Pile these burgers with your favorite condiments, pop open a cool drink and enjoy!

Tip 5 - Classic Cheeseburger

Published:  | Submitted by Shannon Shogren | permalink
Classic Cheeseburger

Tip 6 - Classic Ultimate Hamburgers

Published:  | Submitted by Marcello Dall Ovo | permalink
Classic Ultimate Hamburgers

Grilling up a burger—one your guests will rave about—isn't exactly rocket science, but there are a few tricks to elevating your burgers to ultimate status. To prevent burgers from falling apart, turn them only once, and never press on a burger with a spatula. All you’re doing is pushing all the juice out of the burger. Another trick to getting an evenly cooked burger is to put a depression in the center of each patty before you put it on the grill. (Watch the There's a Better Way video on How to Shape Burgers to see this tip in action). Get even more handy burger tips from the Guide to Grilling.

Tip 7 - Best Burger Recipes

Published:  | Submitted by Brenda Kelly | permalink
Best Burger Recipes

Don't let your hamburgers be humdrum! Jazz 'em up with these winning recipes.
Tags: outdoor grill,Burger,salmon burgers,cheese burgers,Chicken Burgers,veggie burgers,hamburger,recipes

Tip 8 - How to make a perfect classic burger

Published:  | Submitted by Margie Harris | permalink
How to make a perfect classic burger

Hubert Keller, Amy Murray and Umami Burger's Adam Fleischman offer tips on how to make the perfect burger.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

15.1k+ Reads
8 Tips
8 Votes
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