How to Make a Festival

How to Make a Festival – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Make a Festival. This topic was created by Limyc and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How music festivals make money

Published:  | Submitted by jessica gamboa | permalink
How music festivals make money

From Coachella to Made In America, multi-act music festivals are big business. How do they rake in the cash?
Tags: features, festivals, music

Tip 2 - How to…run a festival and not go bust

Published:  | Submitted by Chalifour | permalink
How to…run a festival and not go bust

The worldwide festival market is booming - and so is the roll-call of casualties.Look at The Big Chill, Sonisphere, Underage Festival, Hit Festival - all major events that stumbled into trouble last year (and that's leaving out a certain aborted festival...

Tip 3 - How do you start a music festival? - BBC News

Published:  | Submitted by John Baboian | permalink
How do you start a music festival? - BBC News

In the past decade there has been an "explosive increase" in the number of festivals held across the UK, according to industry promoters, but how do you start a festival?

Tip 4 - How to Make a Festival | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Wade Wheeler | permalink
How to Make a Festival | eHow

So you want to make a festival. Ask yourself the five basic party questions: what, when, where, who and how. A festival-sized party takes a lot of planning and a lot of help, but it's all worth it when you see people gathered together to celebrate something they all have in common.

Tip 5 - How to Organise a Mini-Festival

Published:  | Submitted by Pyrus | permalink
How to Organise a Mini-Festival

If you're a festival lover, but you're after something a little more intimate for your celebrations, why not organise your own mini-festival? This is an ideal party idea for joint birthday celebrations, anniversaries and fundraisers. Our festival planning guide can help you every step of the way, from the original idea right down to the final touches that will make it truly unique. The Gin Box

Tip 6 - Top 10 Tips To Create A Great Festival | Mutantspace

Published:  | Submitted by mdnunited | permalink
Top 10 Tips To Create A Great Festival | Mutantspace

A top 10 list of how to create a great festival. These tips are based on my experience as both an audience member, organiser and performer over many years

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

18k+ Reads
6 Tips
7 Votes
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