How to Make a Mock Corset

How to Make a Mock Corset – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Make a Mock Corset. This topic was created by Jim Reinarz and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Mock up 1

Published:  | Submitted by joandordalespino | permalink
Mock up 1

I always start by making a mock up. (Trust me this will save you a lot of stress and wasted fabric later. It's worth the time I promise ^_~) I use v...

Tip 2 - Corset making - how to fit a mock up

Published:  | Submitted by vance carlton | permalink
Corset making - how to fit a mock up

Back to corset making ... now that all the necessary supplies have been acquired and a pattern has been chosen, what's the next step?  Read my previous blogs about supplies.  Fabrics ... Other...

Tip 3 - Tutorial 2. Cutting a Corset Mock-up.

Published:  | Submitted by Peter van Dalen | permalink
Tutorial 2. Cutting a Corset Mock-up.

Features: Corset constructed in “Throw-over technique”; Cut cup with straps around the neck; Skills you gain: Using non-elastic lace; Cutting, sewing and treating convex round cups with integral straps around the neck; Encasing the bones with the fabric for making the tunnels; Making a deep V-neckline and treating it with bones; New sewing pattern of a round cup with integral straps. Where to use the Throw-over technique: If you need to cover the corset with a single set of lace, but tracery is rare, there are only a few ways to reach the front. Instead of adding motifs with the applications, you can use Throw-over technique and place embroidery motives onto needed places; Covering corset with non-elastic lace or with non-elastic fabric with embroidery; Hiding vertical bones of the curves doing one-layer corset (transparent corset); Covering corset with the small leftovers from a previous garment; Using thin lace with small tracery; Widely used technology for creating wedding (and evening) dresses Haute Couture.   Author: Tatiana Kozorovitsky Total length: 6h 33m
Tags: dressmaking, corset, wedding dress, corset pattern, wedding dress pattern, how to make wedding dress, how to make corset, diy corset, diy wedding dress, handmade wedding dress, dressmaking course, sewing course, sewing class, sewing pattern, corset with integral halter-neck straps, video

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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