How to Make a Smoothbore More Accurate

How to Make a Smoothbore More Accurate – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Make a Smoothbore More Accurate. This topic was created by Jonhen and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The Box O' Truth #46 - Shotgun Slugs, Sabots, and Smooth Bore Barrels - The Box O' Truth

Published:  | Submitted by Mike Rosselli | permalink
The Box O' Truth #46 - Shotgun Slugs, Sabots, and Smooth Bore Barrels - The Box O' Truth

I have had a few folks ask the question: "I know sabot slugs are designed to be used with rifled shotgun barrels, but can they be used effectively with a s
Tags: Ammo, Shotgun

Tip 2 - Smoothbore Shotgun Slugs: Then and Now

Published:  | Submitted by drosera 01 | permalink

Last week coachsjke asked why I never write about slugs. Actually I have written about slugs often in the magazine*, but not so much in this space. So, we’ll discuss fullbore slugs out of smoothbore barrels for now and leave sabots for some other time. I started out deer hunting as a participant in deer drives with our farmer neighbors in the days before rifled shotguns. We would divide up into drivers and blockers/shooters. Because my gun was one of the few in our group that had sights I was often a designated shooter and would fill my Auto 5 with old-style foster slugs. I took lots of shots at standing, walking and running deer, including shots I would not dream of taking today. I never lost a deer I hit, and a .729” hole in one side and out the other usually leaves a blood trail that is short and very easy to follow. Fullbore slugs back then had their drawbacks (recoil, poor accuracy, looping trajectory), but lethality was not one of them.
Tags: guns, Shotguns, Ammunition

Tip 3 - I was told I could use a smooth barreled shotgun and shoot rifled slugs for deer hunting. Is this true, and what are the differences between this and having a rifled barrel and using regular slugs??

Published:  | Submitted by Yani Suratman | permalink

I was told I could use a smooth barreled shotgun and shoot rifled slugs for deer hunting. Is this true, and what are the differences between this and having a rifled barrel and using regular slugs??

Tip 4 - Precision Smoothbore

Published:  | Submitted by Pat Taylor | permalink
Precision Smoothbore

Russian civilian shooters have to jump through a lot of regulatory hoops to legally purchase a firearm. While somewhat relaxed, Post-Soviet gun laws retain much of the authoritarian arrogance of the...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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