How to Measure Blood Sugar Without Breaking the Skin

How to Measure Blood Sugar Without Breaking the Skin – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Measure Blood Sugar Without Breaking the Skin. This topic was created by kelsey bunker and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Stick-On Tattoo Measures Blood Sugar Without Needles

Published:  | Submitted by Brandy Lincks | permalink
Stick-On Tattoo Measures Blood Sugar Without Needles

Sweet news for diabetics

Tip 2 - Measuring blood sugar with light

Published:  | Submitted by Jacqueline Coger | permalink

One key to healthful living with diabetes is monitoring sugar levels to ensure they remain stable. People can easily do this at home using devices that read sugar levels in a drop of blood. Now a team of researchers has devised a non-invasive way to make monitoring easier. Using infrared laser light applied on top of the skin, they measure sugar levels in the fluid in and under skin cells to read blood sugar levels.
Tags: Skin Care; Hypertension; Psoriasis; Optics; Nature of Water; Chemistry

Tip 3 - This Really Won't Hurt a Bit: Wireless Sensor Promises Diabetics Noninvasive Blood Sugar Readings

Published:  | Submitted by Idar Flor | permalink
This Really Won't Hurt a Bit: Wireless Sensor Promises Diabetics Noninvasive Blood Sugar Readings

Echo Therapeutics is testing a biosensor system that reads glucose levels without breaking the skin

Tip 4 - How to Measure Blood Sugar Without Blood | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by olloh | permalink
How to Measure Blood Sugar Without Blood | eHow

Monitoring of blood glucose (i.e., blood sugar) levels is important in patients with diabetes mellitus. Persistently high blood sugar damages your blood vessels, nerves, eyes and kidneys. Conversely, treatment with insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs may lead to an abrupt drop in blood sugar levels. This causes behavioral changes, seizures, loss of...

Tip 5 - Needle-Free Blood Sugar Testing

Published:  | Submitted by Andrew Neiderman | permalink
Needle-Free Blood Sugar Testing

Find out how new diabetes technology called continuous glucose monitoring could make finger pricks a thing of the past.

Tip 6 - Laser device detects blood glucose levels without the finger-prick

Published:  | Submitted by Mohamed Shiek | permalink
Laser device detects blood glucose levels without the finger-prick

Finger-prick tests to monitor blood glucose levels can be the bane of a diabetic's life. In a move that could put an end to such tests in the future, researchers at Princeton University have developed a non-invasive way to test blood glucose levels using a laser.
Tags: Laser, Princeton, Diabetes, Diabetic, Non-invasive

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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