How to Meditate With Eyes Open

How to Meditate With Eyes Open – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Meditate With Eyes Open. This topic was created by Hydrar and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Why we should try meditating with Open Eyes! - What Meditation Really Is

Published:  | Submitted by ian doyle | permalink
Why we should try meditating with Open Eyes! - What Meditation Really Is

Why do we always recommend meditating with our eyes open? So, asked my stepfather the other day. He goes to a meditation group on Sundays, sometimes attended by 100 or so people, and everyone else meditates with their eyes closed.
Tags: what meditation really is, blog, wmri, meditation, happiness, guide to meditation

Tip 2 - Can You Meditate with Your Eyes Wide Open?

Published:  | Submitted by Santiago Alanis | permalink
Can You Meditate with Your Eyes Wide Open?

I've been a dedicated meditation practitioner for more than a decade and I always keep my eyes open for new techniques. Now keeping my "eyes open" can be taken literally--because I've learne
Tags: can, you, meditate, with, your, eyes, wide, open?, healthy, living

Tip 3 - How to Meditate: 10 Important Tips

Published:  | Submitted by George Whitney | permalink
How to Meditate: 10 Important Tips

Why meditate? On one level, meditation is a tool. It can help combat stress, fosters physical health, helps with chronic pain, can make you sleep better, feel happier, be more peaceful, as well as ...

Tip 4 - What are the advantages/disadvantages of meditating with eyes closed?

Published:  | Submitted by Designer PC | permalink
What are the advantages/disadvantages of meditating with eyes closed?

I'm not normally distracted by noise, touch, smell or taste when I meditate. But I do keep looking and looking and looking. Sometimes I'll fixate on a crack between the spars of wood on the floor,

Tip 5 - Difference between meditating with open eyes and closed eyes? • /r/Meditation

Published:  | Submitted by David Pilnick | permalink
Difference between meditating with open eyes and closed eyes? • /r/Meditation

63 points and 25 comments so far on reddit
Tags: reddit,, vote, comment, submit

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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5 Tips
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