How to Meet Mr. or Ms. Right

How to Meet Mr. or Ms. Right – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Meet Mr. or Ms. Right. This topic was created by Shimon Shetreet and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How Can I Meet Mr./Mrs. Right? - | - Science of Relationships

Published:  | Submitted by Jade Cavan | permalink
How Can I Meet Mr./Mrs. Right? - | - Science of Relationships

There are lots of places where you can find a partner. Online, offline, next door, or at a bar, co...

Tip 2 - Finding Mr. or Ms. Right for You

Published:  | Submitted by Goldman Jacobs | permalink
Finding Mr. or Ms. Right for You

It happens in 5 percent of all relationships' and researchers say even that's usually more a case of wishful hindsight than anything else. Women who fall in love instantly tend to fall out of love just as quickly. Men who fall in love instantly stay in lo
Tags: singles, dating

Tip 3 - How to Meet Mr. or Ms. Right | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Donna Parratt | permalink
How to Meet Mr. or Ms. Right | eHow

Can this really be planned? Hardly. The last thing you want is tobecome one of those desperate creatures who obsesses about theneed to be married. Gear your planning toward enjoying yourself andat the same time increasing your exposure to potential mates.

Tip 4 - The Inside Out Dating Guide 4 - The best places to meet Mr or Ms Right.

Published:  | Submitted by Art Pedroza | permalink
The Inside Out Dating Guide 4 - The best places to meet Mr or Ms Right.

In a new monthly series, our relationships expert, Sarah Abell looks at issues to do with dating and offers her practical advice. In the fourth of the Inside Out Dating Guides she looks at where to find love.
Tags: Sex,Women

Tip 5 - Can Math Help You Find Mr. or Miss Right?

Published:  | Submitted by Jeffrey Scolnick | permalink
Can Math Help You Find Mr. or Miss Right?

Are they really right for you? Don't leave it to your heart to decide... let the math do the judging! Here are three mathematical theories to help determine if your marriage will last (or if it should happen at all). 1. The Mathematics of Marriage In their book, The Mathematics of Marriage, mathematician James D. Murray and psychologist John Gottman describe their use of calculus to study interactions between couples. Using a model Gottman developed in 1979, the pair surveyed 700 newly married couples in

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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