How to Negotiate a Salary after Being Unemployed

How to Negotiate a Salary after Being Unemployed – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Negotiate a Salary after Being Unemployed. This topic was created by Racquele Welsh and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Negotiating a Job Offer After Being Unemployed |

Published:  | Submitted by Ana Loiselle | permalink
Negotiating a Job Offer After Being Unemployed |

Being unemployed is no reason to jump at the first offer. Learn to build your self-confidence and negotiate the best possible package for your next job.
Tags: unemployed, back to work, negotiate, negotiation, negotiate return to work, return to work, salary negotiation, salary, unemployment, negotiating when unemployed, get a job, find a job

Tip 2 - How to negotiate pay after being unemployed

Published:  | Submitted by Ian Epperson | permalink

Close to a job offer? If you've been unemployed for several months or longer, you are likely at a disadvantage in negotiating salary. Still, knowing the rules of the game can help you navigate a...
Tags: news

Tip 3 - How to Negotiate Salary at an Interview When They Know You Are Unemployed

Published:  | Submitted by Tessa Reeve | permalink
How to Negotiate Salary at an Interview When They Know You Are Unemployed

Negotiating a salary is very different depending on your employment status. Employers are more hesitant to offer an unemployed person the same salary as one who is already employed. The employer may ...

Tip 4 - 9 Ways to Negotiate the Salary You Want

Published:  | Submitted by judy tossell | permalink
9 Ways to Negotiate the Salary You Want

During paycheck deliberations, find the right balance between firm and flexible.
Tags: careers,employment,picks,Aaron Guerrero,job searching,work-life balance

Tip 5 - Six Rules In Salary Negotiation | Glassdoor Blog

Published:  | Submitted by sekkat wafae | permalink

It's a hirer's market, but when it comes to salary negotiation, too often people sell themselves short simply because they don't know how to tackle the compensation question. Whether you're moving from one job to another or unemployed and looking for work, there are steps you can take to make sure you get the best possible salary offer, says Charlotte Weeks, Chicago-based career coach and resume writer. "There a lot of people out there who accept salaries lower than they could have gotten," she says. "So many people don't know how to negotiate." Here are some of the most common ways you can expect to encounter the salary question when applying for a job and the best ways to tackle the challenge: Avoid Talking Numbers Early On It's a good rule of thumb to avoid answering the question of what salary you're willing to settle for, whether on your job application or in the early stages of your interview, says Weeks. "Usually the first person to name a number doesn't have the upper hand
Tags: fins,salary negotiation

Tip 6 - Job offer salary negotiations when unemployed...

Published:  | Submitted by Sylvia Frazier - Bowers | permalink

Long story short - I was (unexpectedly and without warning) let go from my previous job a few...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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