How to Not Throw Like a Girl

How to Not Throw Like a Girl – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Not Throw Like a Girl. This topic was created by kandrews and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Throw like a girl? With some practice, you can do better.

Published:  | Submitted by david mandley | permalink
Throw like a girl? With some practice, you can do better.

Girls throw a ball worse than boys. Why? And can girls learn to do better? We go to Harvard to learn.
Tags: throw like a girl, throw like a boy, gender differences, male female throwing, girl boy throwing, how to pitch, how to throw a baseball

Tip 2 - 'You throw like a girl!' 'MythBusters' puts the classic insult to the test.

Published:  | Submitted by Sylvie Bu 00e 9dard | permalink
'You throw like a girl!' 'MythBusters' puts the classic insult to the test.

Do boys actually throw better than girls?

Tip 3 - List: How to Throw Like a Girl.

Published:  | Submitted by Dana Mc Duffie | permalink
 List: How to Throw Like a Girl.

1. Apologize to the ball before throwing it. 2. Get paid 77 cents per dollar a man gets paid to throw the same ball. 3. Throw a ball and watch...

Tip 4 - Throw Like a Girl Control

Published:  | Submitted by Cabeza De Camara | permalink
Throw Like a Girl Control

Adam and Jamie bring in Greg Reynolds as a control for their Battle of the Sexes Challenge.
Tags: mythbusters,myth busters,men,women,sexes,battle of the sexes,throwing,throw like a girl,adam,jamie,accurate,accuracy,major league baseball,pitcher,greg reynolds

Tip 5 - FYI: Why Do Girls Throw Like A Girl?

Published:  | Submitted by bri jeffrey | permalink
FYI: Why Do Girls Throw Like A Girl?

The genders are more alike than they are different, with one notable exception.

Tip 6 - Throwing Like a Girl

Published:  | Submitted by Idania Valdez | permalink
Throwing Like a Girl

Throwing style is not determined by biology—anyone can learn to throw like an athlete
Tags: The Atlantic, The Atlantic Magazine,, Atlantic, news, opinion, breaking news, analysis, commentary, business, politics, culture, international, science, technology, national and life

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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