How to Patch Clothes

How to Patch Clothes – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Patch Clothes. This topic was created by PCA Orion and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How To Patch Your Clothes

Published:  | Submitted by JEFF SKINNER | permalink
How To Patch Your Clothes

Make your clothing funkier and more functional with this simple method for making and stitching down quick iron-on patches. I tend to wear my clothe...

Tip 2 - Patch a Hole in a Piece of Clothing

Published:  | Submitted by Justin Hoegh | permalink
Patch a Hole in a Piece of Clothing

With only a few sewing supplies and the most basic stitches, you can repair the hole on any garment. We used a denim shirt to demonstrate.1. To make the hole easier to repair, cut around it with small scissors to make a neat square or rectangle; trim any loose threads. At each corner of the hole, cut a 1/4-inch notch at a 45-degree angle. Turn material inside out. Fold square's 1/4-inch edges onto material's wrong side, and iron flat. Measure, mark, and cut out a square from a matching piece of fabric (we used the back side of this shirt's pocket). Make sure the patch is 1/2-inch bigger all around than the hole you're repairing.2. With shirt inside out, put patch on top of hole; match grain if necessary. Turn right side out, and pin patch in place. Slip-baste all around the patch. Remove pins.3. Turn shirt inside out. Fold back 1/2-inch excess of fabric so it's flush with folded edge of hole, folding corners over each other. Insert needle through folded edge of patch; stitch up diagonally through folded edge of shirt, joining the two fabrics. Continue all around square. Remove basting thread.4. Use a cross-stitch to finish edges of patch inside shirt. Cut off tips of patch's corners at 45- degree angles. Fold back each edge 1/4-inch. Cross-stitch the edges to the shirt, picking up only one or two threads with each stitch. Once the hole has been patched, iron patch in place before turning shirt right side out. Iron patch in place again if necessary.Cross-Stitch -- Also called catch stitch, this technique holds the patch in place. Inserting the needle from right to left creates a series of tiny Xs.

Tip 3 - How to Fix Clothes

Published:  | Submitted by Chas Kimbrell | permalink
How to Fix Clothes

Do you want to rescue a favorite old garment? Do you need to make the clothes in your closet last a little longer? Mending old clothes is a skill worth practicing, and it's not that hard. Take care of your clothing. An ounce of prevention...
Tags: WikiHow, Fix Clothes, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 5 month(s) ago

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