How to Pick Calligraphy Supplies

How to Pick Calligraphy Supplies – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Pick Calligraphy Supplies. This topic was created by Marcello Manfredi and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How To Buy A Calligraphy Pen

Published:  | Submitted by Helmut Schenk | permalink
How To Buy A Calligraphy Pen

Have you ever wanted to get good at calligraphy. Well look no further than this instructional video on how to buy a calligraphy pen. Follow Videojug's professional experts as they guide you through this educational resource.
Tags: calligraphy, calligraphy pen, pens

Tip 2 - How to Use a Dip Pen to Create Modern Calligraphy

Published:  | Submitted by Lavinia Tomescu | permalink
How to Use a Dip Pen to Create Modern Calligraphy

This tutorial shows you how to create modern calligraphy using a dip pen. Make your next piece of snail mail correspondence gorgeous!

Tip 3 - The Complete Guide to Choosing Your Best Calligraphy Pen

Published:  | Submitted by Jessica Watson | permalink
The Complete Guide to Choosing Your Best Calligraphy Pen

This guide explains the differences between the different types of calligraphy pens and helps you determine if a fountain pen, marker pen, dip, or quill calligraphy pen is best for you.

Tip 4 - Selecting Calligraphy Inks: Tests and Reviews | The Calligraphy Pen on

Published:  | Submitted by Gustavo GONZALEZ - CANALI | permalink
Selecting Calligraphy Inks: Tests and Reviews | The Calligraphy Pen on

Ink is arguably one of the most important parts of Calligraphy along with pens and supports (paper).  Ink is also a highly personal choice - what works well for one calligrapher might be a disaster for another. Fortunately, there is a wide range of varieties, formulas and colors to choose from that also can be…

Tip 5 - How To Pick Calligrphy Tools

Published:  | Submitted by luciapinheiro ramos | permalink
How To Pick Calligrphy Tools

This instructional video is a invaluable time-saver that will enable you to get good at calligraphy. Watch our short video on how to pick calligrphy tools from one of Videojug's experts.
Tags: calligraphy tools, square pens, pencil, markers, marker pens, fountain pens, dip pens, calligraphy nib, calligraphy inks, calligraphy paper, quills, calligraphy materials

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 9 month(s) ago

23.4k+ Reads
5 Tips
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