Tip - How to Prepare and clean fresh snow crab

Published  | Submitted by Teresa Caccitao
How to Prepare and clean fresh snow crab

Web Chef demonstrates how to prepare and clean snow crab. First, fill a large pot halfway full of water, add a dash of sea salt and bring it to a boil. Throw in the crabs, replace the lid and cook them for 15 minutes. Remove the crabs from the pot and run them under cold water. Pull out the crab's apron and break half the body from the shell. Grab the legs and pry it out from its shell. Break out the mouth and the lungs. Rinse the crab under cold water. Pry the body away from the other half of the shell. Repeat the process, pulling off everything loose and running it under cold water. Crack

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Posted: 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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