How to Prepare for a College Music Audition

How to Prepare for a College Music Audition – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Prepare for a College Music Audition. This topic was created by Kus Meisuria and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Prepare for a College Music Audition | The Classroom | Synonym

Published:  | Submitted by Rorie Mc Garvie | permalink
How to Prepare for a College Music Audition | The Classroom | Synonym

In order to gain admission into the music department of a college, you will have to pass an audition, where you will be asked to demonstrate good tone quality, intonation and practical ability with ...

Tip 2 - Preparing for Your Music School Audition

Published:  | Submitted by Xavier de Gaudemaris | permalink
Preparing for Your Music School Audition

Detailed information on over 4000 colleges and universities, online schools, and graduate programs. Also provides financial aid information and test preparation resources.
Tags: College Information, College Search, College Search Engine, College Search Website, College Guide, College Search Tools, USA Colleges, American Colleges

Tip 3 - Preparing for College Auditions

Published:  | Submitted by Johannes Moertl | permalink
Preparing for College Auditions

As someone who has taught at the University/Conservatory level for a number of years, I get many questions regarding undergraduate music school auditions. Some questions are specific to my school, but many are general requests for advice. As I am currently deep into audition season, I thought I would summarize some of my more common...
Tags: auditioning,The Lowdown with Dr. D

Tip 4 - 15 Quick Tips for Preparing To Audition | The College Audition Blog on

Published:  | Submitted by Yani Suratman | permalink
15 Quick Tips for Preparing To Audition | The College Audition Blog on

#1 - Acknowledge You are talented This is an EXTREMELY competitive field You will have to work harder than you ever have in your life to be successful in college Its ok to be nervous, scared, etc. If you don't get in anywhere, its OK. #2 - Know your options Musical Theatre (BFA - BM)…

Tip 5 - How to Prepare for a Music School Audition

Published:  | Submitted by Franck 62 | permalink
How to Prepare for a Music School Audition

Music school beckons, but one thing stands between you and your coveted seat - the music school audition. If you're wondering how to prepare for a music school audition, take a deep breath. The good news is that as intimidating as the whole thing might feel, preparation is a simple process of repetition and building confidence. You can do this. Find out how to ace your music school audition.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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