Extreme cold weather can be hard on both you and your home. Here are some tips to put into practice when freezing weather, snow, and ice hit your area. How to Deal with Frozen Pipes Disconnect and drain garden hoses. Cover outside faucets with insulating foam covers. Turn off water to outside faucets, if available, and open valves on faucets to allow them to drain. Turn off sprinkler system and blow compressed air through the lines to drain them. Close or cover foundation vents under house and windows to basements. Close garage doors. Insulate exposed pipes (both hot and cold) under house with foam pipe insulation. Open cabinet doors under sinks. Drip hot and cold faucets in kitchen and bath. Drip single control faucets with lever set in middle. Set icemaker to make ice if the water line to it runs under the house. Don't forget to check on pipes to your washing machine in the laundry room Locate water main cut-off valve, and have a cut-off key handy. Use a hair dryer, Tags: frozen pipes,ice storm,winter,cbs the early show,home improvement,plumbing,safety & security
Posted: 9 years, 6 month(s) ago
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