How to Protect Yourself as a Renter

How to Protect Yourself as a Renter – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Protect Yourself as a Renter. This topic was created by yashiro and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 10 Ways to Protect Yourself As a Renter

Published:  | Submitted by mladena jankovic | permalink
10 Ways to Protect Yourself As a Renter

Before signing a lease, learn your rights as a renter at

Tip 2 - Ten Tips for Tenants |

Published:  | Submitted by Sugarja 9 | permalink
Ten Tips for Tenants |

Know your rights when you rent a house or apartment.

Tip 3 - How to Protect Yourself as a Renter

Published:  | Submitted by Tohmasu | permalink
How to Protect Yourself as a Renter

The rental market is very favorable for tenants who are looking to lease property.
Tags: Attorney General,rental market,foreclosure,foreclosure process,mortgage company

Tip 4 - How to Protect Yourself when Renting a Home

Published:  | Submitted by Ian Baxter | permalink
How to Protect Yourself when Renting a Home

Across the globe, millions of families that are unable or unwilling to commit to buying a home, rent one instead. However, when you rent a home you could potentially face different risks than when you own a home, which is why it's...
Tags: WikiHow, Protect Yourself when Renting a Home, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 5 - Top 5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Problem Renters

Published:  | Submitted by Rocco Corridoni | permalink
Top 5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Problem Renters

Renting seems like the perfect way to mitigate the costs of an extra home that won’t sell; the intended course of action when a property was purchased for an unbelievable price, or many of the other reasons that people become landlords. Although it seems like a fail-proof plan on the surface, becoming a landlord can be a financially and mentally rewarding experience, or it could be the source of a large-scale loss of time and money.
Tags: rental,rent,landlord,tenants,insurance,landlord rights,the landlord,alternative investments,home insurance,landlords,real estate investing,wm-investment real estate,wm-high net worth insurance

Tip 6 - How to Protect Yourself from Bad Tenants

Published:  | Submitted by Marc Thevenard | permalink

Once a tenant has taken up residence in your rental unit, it can be costly and time-consuming to have him or her removed, so you should aim to head off any problems before the first box is moved in.
Tags: How to Protect Yourself from Bad Tenants,legalzoom,Running Your Business,,Business Management,Real Estate,Money Matters,Landlord, tenant, rental, lease, real estate lease, how to avoid bad tenants

Tip 7 - How to Protect Yourself Against Bad Landlords | Zillow Blog

Published:  | Submitted by Bob Bowler | permalink

Bad landlords are bad news, and they come in many different types. They can make you hate living in an otherwise perfect apartment. However, it’s not easy to spot a bad landlord before you move in. Here’s how you can take steps to protect yourself, in case you’re stuck with one of the three most common types. Type 1: The security deposit grabber This landlord will consider your security deposit his from the get-go and will look for any excuse to keep your money when you move out. Protection: Conduct a thorough walk-through before moving in. Protect yourself against future problems before you move in. During the initial walk-through, make sure you document every flaw you find with your new apartment, even if it’s something that can’t be fixed, such as a stain on the countertop. Make sure to take pictures when you find something wrong, so you’ll have documentation. That way, if the landlord blames you for the problem, or tries to keep your security deposit, you have proof that the pr

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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