How to Protect a Cat in Winter

How to Protect a Cat in Winter – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Protect a Cat in Winter. This topic was created by Ray Carlin and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How can I protect a stray cat from the cold outdoor weather?

Published:  | Submitted by Arun Mudhartha | permalink
How can I protect a stray cat from the cold outdoor weather?

While it is generally acknowledged that cats are safer indoors, there are situations that arise, such as neighborhood strays or feral colonies are managed by caring cat lovers. Extremely cold weather can be a killer for these cats. A reader is concerned over a young stray she's caring for but can't bring indoors because of her allergies.

Tip 2 - Winterizing for Feral Cats

Published:  | Submitted by Eddy Stevesyns | permalink
Winterizing for Feral Cats

By providing warm, dry shelter, ensuring access to drinkable water, and improving nutrition, you will have made the winter a much gentler season for the feral cats in your care.
Tags: feral cat initiative, mayor's alliance for nyc's animals, new york city, nyc, feral cat, feral cats, feral kitten, feral kittens, stray cat, stray cats, stray kitten, stray kittens, wild cat, wild cats, wild kitten, wild kittens, trap neuter return, trap-neuter-return, t-n-r, tnr, trap neuter return, trap-neuter-return, trap neuter release, trap-neuter-release, cat colony, cat colonies, certified t-n-r caretaker, certified tnr caretaker, class, classes, workshop, workshops, training, trainings, cat adoption, adopt a cat, kitten adoption, adopt a kitten, cat spay, cat spaying, cat neuter, cat neutering, cat spay/neuter, cats, manhattan, brooklyn, bronx, queens, staten island, long island

Tip 3 - How Do You Protect Feral Cats from the Winter Cold? | Catster

Published:  | Submitted by Hemant Goel | permalink
How Do You Protect Feral Cats from the Winter Cold? | Catster

A lot of the country has seen record lows in temperatures this winter. For many evenings in a row, the national news reported on the Arctic blast that gripped most of the United States with snow, ice, wind and colder-than-usual temperatures. Even in the southern part of the United States, where I live, the temperatures …

Tip 4 - Winter Care and Safety for Feral Cats - Petfinder

Published:  | Submitted by Jean - Damien fournier | permalink
Winter Care and Safety for Feral Cats - Petfinder

Even though feral cats are at home outside, they can always use some extra help in cold or severe weather. Find out what you can do to help them stay safe, warm and healthy during the winter months.
Tags: Cats, Cold, Ferals, Helping Pets, Winter

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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