How to Prune a Magnolia Bush

How to Prune a Magnolia Bush – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Prune a Magnolia Bush. This topic was created by Ru 00e 9da SIDI - BOUMEDINE and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Prune a Magnolia Bush

Published:  | Submitted by JAVIER RI Au 00d 1 O | permalink
How to Prune a Magnolia Bush

Magnolias are either trees or bushes and are named for their familiar flowers. They bloom in early to late spring with pink, purple or white flowers from 3 to 12 in. wide. After the initial bloom of f...

Tip 2 - Trimming a Magnolia

Published:  | Submitted by Neil Britt | permalink
Trimming a Magnolia

Magnolia (Magnolia spp.) trees and shrubs are grown for their decorative and sometimes fragrant flowers. Evergreen species tend to grow in a pyramidal or rounded form with large, leathery leaves. ...

Tip 3 - Pruning a Magnolia Shrub

Published:  | Submitted by rfok | permalink
Pruning a Magnolia Shrub

Hello, I live on a rural property in Ontario, Canada. The winters here are fairly harsh but have been getting warmer in recent years. My problem is a rather large (8-10 foot) Magnolia shrub that seems to be doing well in its sheltered location. It generally blooms in March or April but this year the...
Tags: house,architecture,design,interior design,interior designer,architect,kitchen,bath,modern,traditional,contemporary,contractor,builder

Tip 4 - Pruning a Magnolia Tree |

Published:  | Submitted by STEVEN SCHECKTER | permalink
Pruning a Magnolia Tree |

Pruning a magnolia tree isn't as difficult as you may think.
Tags: magnolia tree,magnolia branches,shaping magnolias

Tip 5 - When is the best time to prune my overgrown magnolia? -

Published:  | Submitted by Cherie Di Noia | permalink
When is the best time to prune my overgrown magnolia? -

My overgrown magnolia has multiple trunks and small flowers. When is the best time to prune it, and how far back can I cut it?

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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