How to Pull Computer Pranks

How to Pull Computer Pranks – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Pull Computer Pranks. This topic was created by chett and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - The 10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Geeky Computer Pranks

Published:  | Submitted by Tom Dalen | permalink
The 10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Geeky Computer Pranks

Everybody loves a good prank… unless you are the one on the receiving end of the fun. It’s time to hone your pranking skills, not just to make sure you are the best, but so you can avoid being pranked by others.

Tip 2 - How to Pull a Computer Prank on Your Friends

Published:  | Submitted by Scott Porritt | permalink
How to Pull a Computer Prank on Your Friends

Looking to play a harmless Windows XP or Vista prank on your friend? Here's a little trick you can do. These four pranks may confuse your friend. The first one makes him believe his computer is frozen. The second one will make him stare at...
Tags: WikiHow, Pull a Computer Prank on Your Friends, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 3 - A fun, harmless, and easy prank to pull off on someones computer!

Published:  | Submitted by gilb | permalink
A fun, harmless, and easy prank to pull off on someones computer!

This Instructable shows you how to create a infinite boot loop on your friends computer. Sound complicated? Far from it!!

Tip 4 - 8 Easy PC Pranks to Trick Your Friends

Published:  | Submitted by mushashi | permalink
8 Easy PC Pranks to Trick Your Friends

With April Fools' Day on the horizon, it's the perfect time to play some epic pranks on your PC-using co-workers, friends, family and frenemies.
Tags: how-to, april-fools, features, holiday, windows-7, trending, uncategorized, tech, apps-software, gallery

Tip 5 - 22 PC pranks to make the office less boring

Published:  | Submitted by Jeroen Bruinsma | permalink
22 PC pranks to make the office less boring

Harmless jokes to play on your friends, family and colleagues

Tip 6 - 5 Funny Computer Pranks To Pull On Your Co-workers This April Fools | Highfive

Published:  | Submitted by Lisa Lafrance | permalink
5 Funny Computer Pranks To Pull On Your Co-workers This April Fools | Highfive

Here are 5 funny computer pranks you can pull on co-workers that don't respect your IT team.

Tip 7 - 8 geeky computer pranks to play on your friends

Published:  | Submitted by Pamela Jolly | permalink
8 geeky computer pranks to play on your friends

If they buy a new laptop, you know it worked.

Tip 8 - Best PC tricks and pranks

Published:  | Submitted by Brandon K Morgan | permalink
Best PC tricks and pranks

Everyone like to have a laugh and there's plenty of amusement to be had messing around with other people's PCs or laptops. Here are 10 harmless but brilliant Windows pranks.
Tags: desktop-pc,laptop,windows

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

17.8k+ Reads
8 Tips
8 Votes
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