How to Raise Children with Animals in the Same House

How to Raise Children with Animals in the Same House – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Raise Children with Animals in the Same House. This topic was created by Myrna Delgado and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 20 Reasons Why It Is Important to Raise Kids Around Animals

Published:  | Submitted by Ulrike Stark | permalink
20 Reasons Why It Is Important to Raise Kids Around Animals

Having a family pet can make kids healthier, heartier and all around happier.
Tags: animal conservation, cruelty free, vegan recipes. vegan food, eco friendly lifestyle, green living, animal rescues, eco friendly pet products, vegan products, ecofriendly shopping, GMO FREE, gluten free recipes, raw lifestyle, raw vegan recipes, conscious consumers, conscious consumerism, go green, green tips, recycling, environmental news, conservation news, green news, veganism, vegetarian food, sustainability, social justice, green fashion, vegan fashion, eco-friendly fashion, vegan diet, vegan products, vegan meals, vegan desserts, vegan supplements, vegan protein powders, vegan health, plant based health, plant based recipes, plant based lifestyle.

Tip 2 - 10 Children Raised by Animals -

Published:  | Submitted by Frank Pineda | permalink
10 Children Raised by Animals -

You are a mom and a woman! We get it! Find real world parenting advice and tips, fashion and beauty resources, and great conversation with moms like you!

Tip 3 - The Benefits of Pets

Published:  | Submitted by Option 0417 | permalink

How can your family benefit from having a dog, cat, or fish? Here, five surprising ways pets are good for your kids.

Tip 4 - 7 Children Who Were Raised By Animals - ODDEE

Published:  | Submitted by John Hall | permalink
7 Children Who Were Raised By Animals - ODDEE

Abandoned children, found living among animals, walking on all fours, and unable to speak – stories about them have been circulating since ancient times. Every once in a while, these so called

Tip 5 - 6 cases of children being raised by animals

Published:  | Submitted by Daryl Fiene | permalink
6 cases of children being raised by animals

Unlike Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, these tales of feral kids surviving in the wild are decidedly darker and reportedly true
Tags: feature, Lifestyle

Tip 6 - Raising Kids: Wisdom from The Dog Whisperer - The Kid Counselor™

Published:  | Submitted by Walid Aramouni | permalink
Raising Kids: Wisdom from The Dog Whisperer - The Kid Counselor™

Being the dog lover that I am, one of my favorite shows is The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan. Lately, as I have been watching that show for insight into my own dogs (Toby and Daisy, two beagles), I have been amazed at the similarities of raising children well and training dogs well. Let me …

Tip 7 - 9 children raised by animals

Published:  | Submitted by Aleksandr Orlov | permalink
9 children raised by animals

Although reality for these feral children is rarely so romanticized as it was for Romulus and Remus (feral children are often hampered with cognitive and behavi
Tags: children raised by animals

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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