How to Read a Science Fiction Story to Your Children

How to Read a Science Fiction Story to Your Children – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Read a Science Fiction Story to Your Children. This topic was created by bob mataranglo and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Why Do So Many Science Fiction Stories Take Children Into Space?

Published:  | Submitted by michail | permalink
Why Do So Many Science Fiction Stories Take Children Into Space?

Science fiction is filled with kids in space. This makes sense; if the future has us in space, children will be there, too. But if there are children in a spaceship, a number of things can go very wrong, both for the characters and the audience.
Tags: rant, space habitats week, star trek, star wars, doctor who, lost in space, battlestar galactica, firefly, io9

Tip 2 - 15 Science Fiction Books to Read to Your Children - Kumon

Published:  | Submitted by Bo Gray | permalink
15 Science Fiction Books to Read to Your Children - Kumon

On January 2nd, readers young and old across the United States join together to celebrate National Science Fiction Day. To help you and your children celebrate, we have compiled fifteen books featuring aliens, robots, time travel and more! Which one of these books will you be reading to your children? 1. Aliens for Breakfast by Jonathan …

Tip 3 - How To Read To Your Child: Tips & Tricks

Published:  | Submitted by Victoria Sieger | permalink

Learn how to get the most benefit out of reading to children, including tips on how to read to children to make them smart.
Tags: reading to children, how to read to children, read to kids

Tip 4 - Science vs. Science Fiction

Published:  | Submitted by Evert Brom | permalink

Over time, young readers choose lots of different types of reading materials. Readers with an interest in fiction often stumble upon fantasy books, and a particular type of fantasy writing called science fiction.
Tags: science fiction, reading, children's literature, kid's books, science, STEM

Tip 5 - 8 Science Fiction Short Stories For Middle School

Published:  | Submitted by Circa Lucid | permalink
8 Science Fiction Short Stories For Middle School

Young teenagers will love the dystopian themes, futuristic settings, and fantastical (at least, it was...) technology. All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury -- Nine-year-old Margot hasn't seen the su...

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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