How to Recognize Learning Disabilities in Your Child

How to Recognize Learning Disabilities in Your Child – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Recognize Learning Disabilities in Your Child. This topic was created by ALWI SHATRY and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Signs & symptoms

Published:  | Submitted by David De Carlo | permalink
Signs & symptoms

Learn about the signs and symptoms of ADHD, ADD, and dyslexia. Read about learning disability signs and child developmental milestones on

Tip 2 - Does Your Child Have a Learning Disability? Take This Self-Test

Published:  | Submitted by Joyce Chajmovits | permalink
Does Your Child Have a Learning Disability? Take This Self-Test

Find out if a learning disability might be causing your child's problems in school--and what you should do if it is.
Tags: ADD symptoms, ADHD information, help, diagnosis, treatment, attention deficit disorder resources, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder tools, medication, ADD in adults, ADHD in children, forums, community, blog, learning disabilities, dyslexia, bipolar, anxiety, Adderall, Concerta, Vyvanse, Ritalin, Strattera, Prozac

Tip 3 - Early warning signs of a learning disability | BabyCenter

Published:  | Submitted by Bernard Truong | permalink
Early warning signs of a learning disability | BabyCenter

How can I tell if my child has a learning disability? By the time most kids are in 1st grade, they've mastered the beginnings of reading, writing, and simple arithmetic, even having fun along the way. But for some children, grasping these basic skills is perplexing and frustrating. They might easily recite the alphabet from A to Z but struggle to name individual letters when they are pointed out. Others might be expert at counting out loud to 100 but are unable to write a list of numbers properly on paper. For some children, writing legibly is impossible, even though they know exactly what they want to say. If these kinds of problems sound like your child, he may have a learning disability. Learning disabilities are a category of disorders that affect how the brain processes information, making it difficult to understand some concepts. Children with learning disabilities usually have normal or above normal intelligence but have trouble expressing their knowledge. Because it is so difficult for children with learning disabilities to master certain tasks, they often experience frustration, anger, low self-esteem, and even depression. Your child may know just what he wants to accomplish, to say or write or do, but getting there isn't a straight path. "Information going in the eyes and ears is somehow not translated correctly; what comes out is not the correct answer," says Ron Liebman, M.D., a child psychiatrist in Lynnewood, Pa. "We're talking about children with normal IQs." What are the warning signs of a learning disability in the first to third grades? Learning disabilities are often grouped into three categories: speech or language disorders; problems with reading, writing, and math skills; and a range of other disorders, such as problems with coordination, motor skills, or memory. Sometimes it's clear that a child has one kind of disability, such as dyslexia or dyscalculia — disorders that impair reading and math abilities, respectively. But it's also common for children to suffer from a combination of different disorders. Red flags that could indicate learning disabilities in a first to third grader include: Pronunciation problems Difficulty learning new facts or skills Difficulty linking letter combinations with sounds Consistently mixing up letters and words when reading or writing (using "b" for "d" or "tack" for "cat," for example) Short attention span Difficulty following directions Poor grasp of a pen or pencil Poor physical coordination, prone to bumping into things and falling down Attention deficit disorders are not by themselves learning disabilities. But children with learning disabilities frequently have attention problems, as well. How can I have my child evaluated? Diagnosing learning disabilities is controversial. Some experts believe learning disabilities are over diagnosed, a handy catchall for a host of normal differences in learning abilities. Diagnosing learning disabilities in very young children, under age 6 or 7, is particularly controversial because young children naturally learn at vastly different rates. If you are worried about your child's competence with reading, writing, numbers, or speech, start by talking to others who are familiar with your child, such as his teachers. Teachers are usually adept at spotting the early warning signs of a learning disability. If your child's teacher hasn't already raised the issue with you, don't hesitate to bring up your concerns. Talk to your child's doctor, too. If teachers and others share your concerns, you'll want to get your child formally evaluated. Evaluations are usually done in an office setting by a pediatric psychologist, neuropsychologist, neurodevelopmental pediatrician, or psychiatrist with a background in learning disabilities. Your child will be asked to do a variety of tasks using toys and educational materials designed for testing. It usually takes a couple of hours. Special-education staff at your child's school should be able to assist you in getting a formal evaluation. Sometimes teachers — and doctors — don't notice the early signs of a disability. If you think this might be the case with your child, you may have to push for an evaluation. "Trust your instincts as a parent. I assumed pediatricians and everyone knew a lot about this, but I found out they're not always trained," says Nicki Arnold, a psychologist and mother of a son with learning disabilities. What can be done to help a child with learning disabilities? Learning disabilities are permanent and don't go away. But much can be done to help your child compensate for the disability and learn to work around the problem. Materials can be presented in different ways, and skills can be practiced over and over again in a setting that is supportive and patient. Children with learning disabilities can and do learn. As a parent one of the most important things you can do is support your child and assist with positive learning experiences. The goal is to focus on your child's strengths. If your child struggles with spelling but loves animals, encourage that interest and help him to become an animal expert. Give your child lots of self-esteem boosters by encouraging his skills and passions. "Plan activities with your child that you know he can do, and be successful at," says Arnold, who nurtured her son's love for skiing when he was just 5 and wasn't doing well academically. Don't try to be an expert on treating learning disabilities yourself. Your job is to provide encouragement, love, and patience and to seek out the experts who have the skills to help your child learn. If your child has been formally diagnosed, he may be eligible to receive free educational services through the public school system. There are also special private schools for children with learning disabilities, but these can be expensive. Consult with your child's teacher or local organizations serving children with disabilities. Psychological counseling is also important. Children with learning disabilities often feel like failures, leading to low self-esteem. They often feel frustrated, and the frustration can turn into anger. They also are prone to depression. "The emotional or psychological issues are, in my mind, more important than learning that two plus two equals four," Liebman says. Parents need to learn how to handle their child's emotional outbursts. Although conventional wisdom says that you shouldn't encourage a child having a tantrum or crying fit, this kind of emotional release can be beneficial for kids with learning disabilities. If you stay close by your child during these times and tell him that you love him and know that things are hard for him, you'll show him that he doesn't have to struggle alone, you'll always be there to help him. Remember to take care of yourself, too. Being the parent of a child with learning problems is stressful. Many disability organizations also offer support groups and counseling for parents. Find out more about what causes learning disabilities and how many children are affected .

Tip 4 - Detecting Learning Disabilities

Published:  | Submitted by Atour Ayvaz | permalink
Detecting Learning Disabilities

WebMD explains the warning signs and diagnosis of learning disabilities, including information on testing and the types of assistance available to help your child overcome learning challenges.
Tags: learning disabilities, dyslexia, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, auditory processing disorder, visual processing disorder, difficulty doing math, difficulty reading, difficulty writing

Tip 5 - How to Tell If Your Child Has a Learning Disability

Published:  | Submitted by zamm | permalink
How to Tell If Your Child Has a Learning Disability

Learning disabilities are often difficult to define and identify in children. Learning disabilities are diagnosed and treated differently in every school district and classroom. While there is testing that can be done to establish the...
Tags: WikiHow, Tell If Your Child Has a Learning Disability, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

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