How to Recognize Prescription Drugs

How to Recognize Prescription Drugs – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Recognize Prescription Drugs. This topic was created by George Sadowsky and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Pill Identifier (Pill Finder Wizard) - Pill Identification Tool Using Drug Pictures, Number, Color, Shape, or Imprint

Published:  | Submitted by Pat Corfman | permalink
Pill Identifier (Pill Finder Wizard) - Pill Identification Tool Using Drug Pictures, Number, Color, Shape, or Imprint

Pill Identifier, Medication and Drug Identification from RxList. Use our wizard pill finder tool to help identify pills by tablet imprint codes, shape or drug color. View drug pictures to help identify drugs including prescription, OTC, generic, and brand names.

Tip 2 - Pill Identification Tool

Published:  | Submitted by Guy Van Uytven | permalink
Pill Identification Tool

WebMD’s Pill Identifier with pictures lets you identify your prescription drug or medication by color, shape, and imprint. Use the Pill Finder to describe your medicine and compare pictures of prescription drugs, over the counter medications and misused prescriptions.
Tags: pill identifier with pictures, abused drugs, prescription drug abuse, drug, drugs, online, compare, pill identifier, pill identification, pill id, pill finder, identify pills, identify, identification, identifying, finder, find, id, old, expired, prescription, pill images, drug pictures, drug images, picture, pictures, image, identify a pill, identify a drug, medical information, what's this pill, medication, medications

Tip 3 - Pill Identification Wizard from

Published:  | Submitted by Chetan Dedhia | permalink
Pill Identification Wizard from

Use our Pill Identifier tool to quickly identify tablets and capsules using imprint codes, pill shape and color.
Tags: pill identifier image imprint color shape tablet capsule

For further reading: [3]

Tip 4 - Drug Pictures Database - Pill Identification Wizard

Published:  | Submitted by Natalia Chartorijsky | permalink
Drug Pictures Database - Pill Identification Wizard

The Pill Identification Wizard uses drug pictures to help consumers identify pills by their appearance, using a database of over 3,000 images of prescription drugs. Pill identication with drug pictures - identify pills and medications by their appearance.
Tags: drug pictures pill identification id

Tip 5 - Prescription Drugs

Published:  | Submitted by Calvin Wright | permalink
Prescription Drugs

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD) provides education, information, help and hope to the public. It advocates prevention, intervention and treatment through offices in New York and Washington, and a nationwide network of Affiliates.
Tags: NCADD, National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence, alcohol, alcoholism, drugs, substance, abuse, prevention, treatment, stigma, Marty Mann, beer, liquor, wine, Alcohol Awareness Month, counter-advertising, excise tax

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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5 Tips
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