How to Recycle Toothbrushes

How to Recycle Toothbrushes – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Recycle Toothbrushes. This topic was created by Charles Brain and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Recycling Mystery: Toothbrushes & Toothpaste Tubes

Published:  | Submitted by Niels Preenen | permalink
Recycling Mystery: Toothbrushes & Toothpaste Tubes

Oral care products, such as toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes, can seem nearly impossible to recycle. After all, how would a recycler remove all of that extra toothpaste from the tube or dissasemble a toothbrush for…

Tip 2 - Can You Recycle Your Toothbrush?

Published:  | Submitted by Neo 218 | permalink
Can You Recycle Your Toothbrush?

Several companies now offer eco-friendly products or programs that enable you to recycle or reuse your toothbrush.

Tip 3 - Gimme 5 Toothbrush Take Back

Published:  | Submitted by Niko Peltoranta | permalink

Your Preserve toothbrush is made of multiple materials so it won't be accepted in your standard recycling bin. Learn how to get your toothbrush back to Preserve for recycling!

Tip 4 - Recycle

Published:  | Submitted by Kriss Long | permalink

Join our community of recyclers who turn everyday items like yogurt cups into new products. Learn how to participate in Gimme 5 and find drop off locations.

Tip 5 - Toothbrush in Lightweight Pouch | Single

Published:  | Submitted by patrick harrel -courtu 00e 8s | permalink

Made with LOVE and recycled yogurt cups. Preserve consulted closely with dental professionals to create a toothbrush that gets your teeth cleaner but minimizes your impact on the environment.

Tip 6 - How to Recycle Old Toothbrushes - RecycleScene

Published:  | Submitted by Dawn Bailey - Hernandez | permalink
How to Recycle Old Toothbrushes - RecycleScene

Where to go to get rid of and recycle old toothbrushes and other ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

7.7k+ Reads
6 Tips
6 Votes
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