How to Remember a Phone Number

How to Remember a Phone Number – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Remember a Phone Number. This topic was created by Marc Pic and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Memorize Numbers

Published:  | Submitted by Marri K | permalink
How to Memorize Numbers

The average person can hold a set of about seven digits in his/her working memory at any given time. Using the techniques below, however, you can memorize many, many more. The key is to employ mnemonics, which means building associations...
Tags: WikiHow, Memorize Numbers, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 2 - How to... Remember Lists and Long Numbers

Published:  | Submitted by kyoji | permalink
How to... Remember Lists and Long Numbers

This article shows you how to use the mnemonic systems that help you remember long numbers and structured information.
Tags: Memory, memory techniques, mnemonics, mnemonic techniques, memory improvement, improve your memory, improving your memory, improving memory, memory improvement techniques, memory technique, improve memory, how to improve memory, memory skills, techniques to improve memory, improving memory skills, tips to improve memory, what is memory, memory tips, mind tools, mindtools

Tip 3 - An Easy Way to Memorize Your Most Important Phone Numbers

Published:  | Submitted by Michael Aisenberg | permalink
An Easy Way to Memorize Your Most Important Phone Numbers

It's easy to rely on your phone, computer, and the cloud to keep track of trivial things so we can put our minds to use elsewhere, but doing so can be problematic. Redditor StabYourFacebook ran into one of those problems the hard way when he/she was lost with a dead phone and couldn't remember anyone's phone number. StabYourFace's solution was simple:
Tags: Memory, memorization, Mind Hacks, Phones, Phone Calls, Top, Lifehacker

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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3 Tips
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