How to Remove Scratches From Vinyl Records

How to Remove Scratches From Vinyl Records – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Remove Scratches From Vinyl Records. This topic was created by CINF 5234sp 1413 and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Bring Ruined Records Back to Life

Published:  | Submitted by tooy | permalink
Bring Ruined Records Back to Life

If you're an audiofile purist, don't read any further. What follows is not for the faint of heart and beyond anything you've seen before. If you decid...

Tip 2 - How to Fix a Scratch on a Vinyl Record

Published:  | Submitted by Catherine Devrye | permalink
How to Fix a Scratch on a Vinyl Record

Here is a simple way to fix a scratch on a vinyl record, it requires some assembly time, and the actual "fixing" should be done with great care. First, create a "speaker", this will allow you to tell where in the record you are listening.
Tags: WikiHow, Fix a Scratch on a Vinyl Record, wiki, how to articles, how to instructions, DIY, tips, howto, learn, how do I

Tip 3 - How to Repair Deep Scratches on Vinyl Records | eHow

Published:  | Submitted by Shivani Arora | permalink
How to Repair Deep Scratches on Vinyl Records | eHow

Scratches in a vinyl record interfere with the quality of the sound reproduction, and a deep scratch can cause the record to skip. Repairing a deep scratch on a vinyl record will ensure the record will play over the scratch and continue without skipping. The repair requires enormous patience and should be done when you can devote plenty of time.

Tip 4 - Removing scratches from vinyl records if possible. - Turntable

Published:  | Submitted by Joxter | permalink
Removing scratches from vinyl records if possible. - Turntable

Not really. This is one of the major reasons for getting away from vinyl. This link will get you to a real professional and lots of videos on caring for your vinyl: - Turntable

Tip 5 - Vinyl Records Repair - Grooves Reconstruction - for scratched records - vidéo dailymotion

Published:  | Submitted by Adzukas | permalink
Vinyl Records Repair - Grooves Reconstruction -  for scratched records - vidéo dailymotion

hello, sorry for the quality of this video and for my english (i play with my turntable instead of learn my lessons) you must know that this is not a panacea, sometime it works, sometime no... Most of the time if you do not have a successful outcome, stop ... with this method you do some surface marks on vinyl but they are generally not audible but however, you can affect the sound a little ... read on to learn more you need a toothpick (cut peak, very sharp), a lot of determination and some luck... rq: don't use metal (like a needle), that deteriorates more the sound than the toothpick 1) find the "pop" from the scratch, as in this video. you can listen a pop at 1 mm 18, and 1mm 22_1 mm23... 2) then place the stylus behind the pop and make with the toothpick, some back and forth, trying to follow the path (way) of microgroove (microsillon) as a stylus...(like in vidéo can slightly bend the toothpick left and right, very carefully) You should feel a resistance, right on the pop (on the pop) ... the order is to reduce this resistance... if you feel nothing maybe is not the good microgroove... be careful don't touch the stylus with toothpick, you can make another scratch ;-) 3)and listen to the sound to see if the pop has disappeared (like in video)... in this case, the pop disappeared without affect the sound of the vinyl ...(believe me) at 2 mm 34 2 mm 38... but this is not always the case ... sometime, the sound of the pop has only diminished. and not disappeared completely ... sometime you can hear a slight "breath" instead of the pop ((or with a diminished pop))... here, you must choose whether you prefer the sound of pop or a slight "breath" I can not make the decision in your place if the toothpick destroyed totaly the sound of vinyl. you must stop, it can not be repaired Most of the time if you do not have a successful outcome, stop ... sometime the "pop noise" does not disappear completely and still be heard on one side of the stereo. so I hope help you Vinyl addict, maybe try with a old vinyl with a lot of scratch to practice DJ Gaogao (The Vinyl Guérilla, Radio Campus Besançon Lunarmouth)
Tags: Scratch,Pop,Crackle,Vinyl,Repair,DJ Gaogao,The Vinyl Guerilla

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 6 month(s) ago

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