Tip - How to Remove acrylic nails without soaking or salons

Published  | Submitted by T Freeman
How to Remove acrylic nails without soaking or salons

This video shows you how to remove acrylic nails using a nail tip. It takes a long time to soak the nails in acetone to remove them, and this method is quicker. To do it, slide one of the corners under any part of the tip. Force it in and slide it over across the nail and you will be able to see the acrylic nail lift up. Gently work on it to pull the nail off. It might hurt a little bit. The nail will look kind of rough, so you'll have to file it, and use some nail strengthener. Nail technicians might not like this technique, but if it works for you, it's a quick and cheap way to remove your

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Posted: 9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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