How to Restore a Windows Shortcut

How to Restore a Windows Shortcut – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Restore a Windows Shortcut. This topic was created by Tracy Skretta and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to restore all minimized windows in Windows 7

Published:  | Submitted by Team 4 Funnl 0 Kra Zi | permalink
How to restore all minimized windows in Windows 7

Does anyone know how to restore all minimized windows in Windows 7 to their original positions? I know I can right click the taskbar to cascade, stack, or display them side by side. I also know that

Tip 2 - How to Quickly Access and Use Windows System Restore or System Protection

Published:  | Submitted by Marcela Slovakova | permalink

System Protection (System Restore as it is called in Windows XP) is one of the most important system tools for maintaining Windows. However, Microsoft has chosen to bury it so that access takes a number of steps. I try out a lot of system tweaks and new software and that means that I am frequently creating and restoring System Restore points. So I prefer a quicker way than the standard tedious path. Here are shortcuts to use for the various flavors of Windows. Windows XP In XP, a shortcut can be created this way:

Tip 3 - System Restore in Windows

Published:  | Submitted by Center Designs | permalink
System Restore in Windows

How to use System Restore for restoring your computer to an earlier state in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1
Tags:,, winhelpus, win help us, winxp, win xp, wxp, winvista, win vista, wvista, win7, win 7, w7, win8, win 8, w8, win8.1, win 8.1, w8.1, best, discover, completely absolutely free, no cost, about, what is, how to, how do i they you u, how can i you u they, find out, learn, study, free resources, free step by step guide instructions tutorial, quick look overview walk through, windows xp, windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1, microsoft, use run system restore windows, restore recover windows to an earlier point in time, how long will does system restore take, no system restore protection tab available, run launch system restore command line prompt, undo system restore, system restore windows best practices, things to know about using system restore properly in windows, will system restore delete my personal files and folders e-mails favorites, what to do if system restore fails, should i run system restore in windows safe mode or normal mode, is system restore safe to use

Tip 4 - How To Restore Deleted Default Libraries Shortcuts In Windows 7 And 8 [Quicktip]

Published:  | Submitted by Joey Perillo | permalink
How To Restore Deleted Default Libraries Shortcuts In Windows 7 And 8 [Quicktip]

If you work on Windows you would know the Libraries folder. In Libraries, all the files on your computer or external hard drives will be categorized into
Tags: desktop,how-to guides

Tip 5 - Windows Keyboard Shortcut: Restore All Windows You Previously Minimized

Published:  | Submitted by Richard Moavero | permalink

Keyboard Shortcut: Restore All Windows You Previously Minimized.
Tags: Keyboard shortcuts, Microsoft Memphis Operating system, Microsoft NT Operating system, Microsoft Windows 2000 Operating system, Microsoft Windows 97 Operating system, Microsoft Windows 98 Operating system, Microsoft Windows Me Operating system, Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition Operating system, Microsoft Windows New Technology Operating system, Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 Operating system, Microsoft Windows NT Graphical user interface, Microsoft Windows NT Operating system, Windows & Microsoft, Windows 2000 Network operating system, Windows New Technology Operating system, Windows NT Operating system

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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