How to Save Money on Vet Bills

How to Save Money on Vet Bills – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Save Money on Vet Bills. This topic was created by Richard Logtenberg and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - Saving Money on Your Veterinary Bills

Published:  | Submitted by seandaw | permalink
Saving Money on Your Veterinary Bills

Today, the human-animal bond is stronger than ever. It seems as though the more tumultuous the world around us becomes, the tighter we cling to our beloved dogs. They soothe us with their predictability and unconditional love, and give in excess of what they receive. Imagine, then, the heartache when it’s necessary to cut back on a dog’s health care because of financial hardship. If you’re feeling the pinch (and who isn’t these days?), here are 10 things you can do to economize while still doing a great job caring for your dog’s health.
Tags: health care

Tip 2 - 6 ways to save money on vet bills

Published:  | Submitted by nsparadox | permalink
6 ways to save money on vet bills

If you've taken a trip to the veterinarian lately you must have realized medical care for pets is becoming as expensive as human medical ...
Tags: pet adoption, pets, adopt a dog, adopt a pet, adopt a puppy, animal adoption, animal rescue, animal shelter, dogs, puppies, puppy finder, Dog for adoption, dog shelters, dog breed, dog rescue, Cat for adoption, cat for sale, cat breed, kitten for adoption

Tip 3 - Saving Money on Vet Care

Published:  | Submitted by Phillip Darlington | permalink
Saving Money on Vet Care

As responsible guardians, we agree to care for our furry friends in sickness and in health. But as pet care costs rise, how do we do what’s best for our pet? To help you navigate turbulent economic waters, we have some tips to help you save money on your pet’s health care.

Tip 4 - Tips to Save Money on Pet Care and Vet Bills

Published:  | Submitted by mkuindersma | permalink
Tips to Save Money on Pet Care and Vet Bills

Pets not only require our time and attention, they require our money, too. Food, vaccinations, and veterinary medical care all add up. In today's tough economy, people are rethinking their personal expenses and cutting the budget where they can. Here are some tips to keep your pet in good health while saving money.

Tip 5 - 8 ways to save money on vet care

Published:  | Submitted by wertigo | permalink

By Juliana Weiss-Roessler An important part of responsible dog care is providing them with medical care — unfortunately, doing so can also be costly. But before you balk at the high price of a procedure or treatment, take a look at these cost-saving tips.

Tip 6 - Simple Ways to Make Veterinary Bills More Affordable

Published:  | Submitted by Konstantin Thoeren | permalink

Take these steps to avoid paying for unnecessary expenses for your pet.
Tags: strategies,animals, , budget, investing, saving,Gary Foreman, personal finance,pets,Foreman, Gary,money,LTMoney,personal finance

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 4 month(s) ago

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