How to Save The Life of an Obese Person

How to Save The Life of an Obese Person – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Save The Life of an Obese Person. This topic was created by Edward Caoc and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - 7 Unbelievable Cases of People Whose Lives were Saved by Being Fat - ODDEE

Published:  | Submitted by Jerry Baugher | permalink
7 Unbelievable Cases of People Whose Lives were Saved by Being Fat - ODDEE

While being overweight is normally a reason to worry about your health, some people claim that their lives were saved because they were fat. Take a look at their stories.

Tip 2 - How I lost 500 pounds: Morbidly obese mother reveals her stunning transformation

Published:  | Submitted by mchagall | permalink
How I lost 500 pounds: Morbidly obese mother reveals her stunning transformation

Dropping an astonishing quarter of a ton, Melissa Morris has undergone a transformation that is hard to comprehend, affording the Texan new-found freedom that she may never have lived to have seen.
Tags: My,600,lb,Life,Morbidly,obese,Melissa,Morris,reveals,500,pound,transformation

Tip 3 - Obesity in Adults, Overweight Adult Problems. Obesity Facts | Patient

Published:  | Submitted by Vegetal | permalink
Obesity in Adults, Overweight Adult Problems. Obesity Facts | Patient

What is obesity? If you are obese or overweight, you have an increased risk of developing various health problems. Even a modest amount of weight loss can help to reduce problems.
Tags: overweight,obesity,overeating,body mass index,obesity facts,what causes obesity,causes of obesity,obesity,symptoms of obesity,obesity statistics

Tip 4 - When Being Obese Could Save Your Life

Published:  | Submitted by Stuart Gill | permalink
When Being Obese Could Save Your Life

You've just had a heart attack, and you're in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. If you're overweight or moderately obese, you're actually more likely to survive that heart attack than if you w
Tags: when, being, obese, could, save, your, life, healthy, living

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Category: Fun | 9 years, 7 month(s) ago

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