How to Save on Gas by Using Common Sense

How to Save on Gas by Using Common Sense – This is a place for the community to provide tips and advice on How to Save on Gas by Using Common Sense. This topic was created by Ben Kincannon and the tips are provided by the community. The tips you add here can be your own or referred from another site. The best tips are then ranked at the top when up-voted by members of the community.

Tip 1 - How to Save Money & Increase Your Happiness - A Wealth of Common Sense

Published:  | Submitted by Tanja Peshkova | permalink
How to Save Money & Increase Your Happiness - A Wealth of Common Sense

Mandi Woodruff posted an interesting chart on Yahoo! Finance this week on the leading New Year’s financial resolutions: Save more money is consistently at the top of the list year in and year out, yet the savings statistics in this … Continue reading →

Tip 2 - Battling the blizzard: Your best weapon is a big dose of common sense

Published:  | Submitted by Randa Tawasha | permalink
Battling the blizzard: Your best weapon is a big dose of common sense

Some tips to battle the N.J. snowstorm: Get hydrated with water before shoveling or snow-blowing, doctors advise. It's a strenuous aerobic activity.

Tip 3 - Use Common Sense to Save Cents | Commentary

Published:  | Submitted by LUDOVIC BOUET | permalink

<p>From time to time, we seem briefly aware of our skyrocketing national debt, but usually we forget we�ve been on the largest spending spree in American history. And without a strong economy to help generate tax revenues to pay the bills, our national debt has grown by trillions of dollars in only a few short years.</p>
Tags: Congress, Politics, Government, Governments, House of Representatives, Senate, Elections, Legislation, Campaigns, Democrat, Republican, Policy, Lobbying, News, Capitol Hill, Opinion, Committees, White House, Polls, Consultants, Beltway, congress, politics, government, house of representatives, senate, elections, legislation, campaigns, democrat, republican, policy, lobbying, news, capitol hill, opinion, committees, white house, polls, consultants, beltway

Tip 4 - Power to Save: Gas Company Urging Lower Thermostats

Published:  | Submitted by zoharliron | permalink
Power to Save: Gas Company Urging Lower Thermostats

A natural gas company is asking some of its customers to turn down the heat. UGI is asking customers these communities to help conserve gas because of the predicted cold weather: Clarks Summit, Lac...
Tags: news, power to save, carbon county, lackawanna county, natural gas, northampton county, ugi utilities

Tip 5 - Common sense bills will fuel economic growth

Published:  | Submitted by Rocki | permalink
Common sense bills will fuel economic growth

By U.S. Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) has attracted a lot of attention around the nation as a cleaner, …

About This Topic

Category: Fun | 9 years, 8 month(s) ago

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2 Tips
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